account password


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Black Rose Rebelion


i make it a point to change password on all accounts i have every 6 months, inthe past this was realy simple, i could login, go to manage account , change it there and activate the email sent to me by anet.

no when i manage account and try to change my password i get sent to plaync website, ok so mayb we now have to register on plaync site, i register there and it seems i have to add my guildwars to the game list...

Game Account Username < >@plaync (5-12 alpha-numeric characters, beginning with a letter)
1st of all i dont have a plaync account so this is realy nice?

then i think, ok lets change my login then, but same story, im sent to plaync website.

finaly i try reset password, they ask me to enter my account name, when i submit, nothing happens, just a refresh and same form again, except the submit button is now a next button, very impressive, so i click next and to my surprise i get sent to plaync website yet again.

this is honestly realy anoying, i get no email with a reset password and i am not able to change my account via plaync site, the old password system worked just fine? why change it?

i would realy apriciate it if any1 can inform me how to change the password of a non plaync guildwars account.


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Did you order anything from the online store? That automatically attaches your account to a PlayNC account.

I haven't tried to update my info recently so I don't know if the form is broken but that may explain the attachment of the two accounts.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Black Rose Rebelion


nope i havnt ordered anything, i had to register at plaync for online store to work but didnt order anything,.


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Well, if you signed up for the online store, that links them even if you didn't order anything. I apologize if that was unclear.

I tested the password reset feature and it worked fine for me.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Black Rose Rebelion


You are currently subscribed to the following games:
i would think registering at the online store would link my guildwars account and plaync account? if so im pritty sure that is where there problem lies.

i have both guildwars and factions and i cant add my account with either of the 2 serials.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


When you try to access the ingame store, it will allow you to associate an existing GW account with an existing Plaync master account. Go try to access the ingame store again and try to combine them. You can't directly enter the serial keys into plaync if you already created your account through the game client.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Black Rose Rebelion


there is no way to combine them, i can login to guildwars, and click enter store and my online store seems to work fine, i can brows all the products ect, combining was done (or should have been done) when i made a master plaync account for the online store. i did this the 1st or 2nd night the store was available.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Well if you can access the ingame store, your account is attached to a plaync master account. If when you login to manage the master account and it says you are subscribed to no games, that means you attached the GW account to a different plaync master account (not the one you've been logging into).

Maybe you accidentily created two different plaync accounts and they're like a letter off or something?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Black Rose Rebelion


tnx guys got everything sorted, there was an error when my account linked when i activated my online store