My account got banned for injust reasons


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ultra Chronic Warriors


Ok. It all started on a Sunday when I had nothing better to do. I started to buy items I was saying in all chat "BUYING ANY GREENS FOR 10 KOME MEET ME BY STORAGE!" and I was getting quite a few sales. But some people were saying I was "scamming" which I was not, I said that I would pay 10 for greens, but they thought I said 10k(10 platinum) which I clearly did not say. Well, the next day I tried to login, and my account had been suspended. I sent my arguement to ArenaNet, but they have not replied back. Please tell me what you feel about this situation.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Sounds to me like they did the right thing in suspending you.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

So did people actually sell you greens for 10 gold? Seems like they should be the ones to get banned...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ultra Chronic Warriors


Well, I said I would pay 10, and I paid 10 for the items.(Yes, I got quite a few green items)


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Given that you said '10 kome' I can see why the misunderstanding may have happened. You should always be careful to spell correctly when money is at stake since many people think it is a big deal in-game. That said, if your 10g offer had been clear I doubt you would get any offers given greens are worth 35g to the merchant.

Assuming you had no intent to scam the individuals, ANet will likely review your case and unban your account. However, given they must review the evidence, I would expect it to take at least a few days if not a week or more. This timeline, of course, assumes you were innocent.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ultra Chronic Warriors


Omg, if it does take a week, then I will be unsuspended by then, I get unsuspended in 160 hours or something.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


In the future, don't do things that look a lot like scams if you don't want to get suspended.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ultra Chronic Warriors


Well, I didn't think anyone would get offended or anything(I never thought of this a "scam").



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

By Any Other Name [Rose]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
In the future, don't do things that look a lot like scams if you don't want to get suspended.

although i do agree with the previous post that peeps should be banned for stupidity as well.

caveat emptor


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


I think its a perfectly justified suspension, you used language to intentionally mislead sellers and then gave them 10 gold pieces when they were expecting 10 plat. how is it unjustified? lots of people in temple of ages buy ecto for 7 ea and scam many people by placing gold pieces instead of plat.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Erm, why would people want to sell greens for 10 gold when they are worth 35 at the merchant, and even the shittest greens can be sold for 1k quite easily.

You were trying to scam them, with a "just" reason by saying that is what you offered. If someone said 15 to me for Ghials, I know they want 15k.

Go Bitch somewhere else, and I hope Anet doesnt let you back on.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


As stated above, the lowest I've ever seen the merchant buy a green for was like 30 gold. For you to try to buy a bunch for 10 gold would look very much like a scam. Likely some people took a screenshot of you spamming that, which resulted in your suspension. Just don't do stupid crap like that anymore.

I highly doubt they'd overturn the suspension, but you can challenge it since you can't spend your time playing or anything anyway.

Jumping Is Uselss

Jumping Is Uselss

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

-... . .... .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..-

Did anet say why you were banned? Because recently I was banned for using an illegal third party program, when I never even installed one to my comp or used one before. Anet then sent me an email apologizing for the mix up and unbanned me the very next day.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Ok now. We aren't stupid and you don't sound stupid. You said you obtained multiple greens doing this. Obviously more than one person got furious by this and likely sent you a PM demonstrating their frustration. At this pont, a logical person who didn't intend the misunderstanding would have altered their 'buy' message to clearly indicate that it was 10g and not 10k. It seems you did not and perpetuated this misunderstanding (whether it was deliberate or not to begin with doesn't matter). Seems justifiable.

Edit: Last sentence removed, because you DID say that people indicated to you the confusion. Seems Anet was justified and I doubt they'll let you off early. You should have altered your sell message to prevent this 'scam' or refunded their item because of the misunderstanding. You aren't required to do either, but then you shouldn't be surprised at the temporary suspension.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Zach_
Ok. It all started on a Sunday when I had nothing better to do. I started to buy items I was saying in all chat "BUYING ANY GREENS FOR 10 KOME MEET ME BY STORAGE!" Please tell me what you feel about this situation.
you know they are worth PLAT and so do the sellers.

your *KOME* looks like you ment 10 *K* and missed the space between as a typo

that was no accident that was a scam.

lets make it 1600 hours instead of 160


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ultra Chronic Warriors


Yeah, it said why I was banned, it mentioned something about items. But, I'm SUSPENDED, not banned, so I WILL be able to get back on. Learn to Read.


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Actually, the reason everyone said banned is apparent in the thread title.

That said, with the clarifications, I would say your suspension was justified and that you should take this under consideration in the future. Accept your punishment, don't do it again, and be happy you weren't banned.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

Seems to me like you knew exactly what u were doing...counting on a certain percentage of people to not check the amount you put in the window, and attempting to cover your rear end by spelling your ad in a certain way. I feel sorry for the people that had to learn the hard way that there are people in this game who have absolutely no morals when it comes to money (just like real life).

There's a big difference between buying at less than market value where both buyer and seller agree to a price, and deceiving people into accepting a trade where they later realise the buyer did not pay the agreed upon price, and you know full well they didn't agree to 10g.

Well done Anet.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

London, England

I honestly think you are insulting peoples intelligence with that OP. You can claim that the suspension was unjust. However I think the reaction of everyone who has replied reveals how transparent the scam was (yes it was a scam). You made it clear you were only suspended, mores the pity. I think I can just make enough space on my ignore list for you.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

Avatar of Gwen

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

As a general rule, these kinds of threads aren't allowed. The community does not have logs of what went on exactly, and the community does not know what Anet was thinking when they decided to ban you, or for what reason. All the community can do is speculate, which often leads to hot-headed rants without any kind of solid information.

Please keep discussion about bans and/or suspensions between you and support, unless it's something likely to be highly relevant to the community, such as the rash of accidental bannings a while back.

In the end, it's not the community you have to convince to get access to your account back, whether at all, or in a more timely manner.