search is your friend...
there's a reserve price in auction i think.... if the reserved price is not met, the auction will not end...
auction problems???
Good to know, I'd seen that happen and thought something was screwy with the system but it seems to be working as planned.
Former Ruling
This is admittedly annoying when an auction ends around when you are going to bed and you hope to get the trade down before leaving GW, then at 10 secs left someone strolls in hoping to Auction Snipe and BAM 10 more minutes of waiting...and at 1 minute left BAM 11 more minutes of waiting.
The MAJORITY of auctions I've lost have been because of that (simply having to go to bed because I don't want to wait on "Joe Nobody" that keeps bidding 10 more gold everytime the auction is about to end) :\
The MAJORITY of auctions I've lost have been because of that (simply having to go to bed because I don't want to wait on "Joe Nobody" that keeps bidding 10 more gold everytime the auction is about to end) :\