Turn off effects of spells/attacks?
Oh a GW forum
Is it possible to turn off the graphic effects from spells/attacks so you can see your avatar clearly when fighting large groups?
Wrath Of Dragons
no. use the scrollwheel and just zoom way out is my only advice
Cow Tale
lol what effects? the spells look like crap in guild wars. if anything they should totaly rework it so when u cast something you actually see something! like final fantasy games you cast meteor, a meteor falls, not like in guild wars where a little orange smudge kinda briefly appears for a split second.inferno? wow a circle of crapy orange smudges! cool!
Morgoth the dark
Originally Posted by Cow Tale
lol what effects? the spells look like crap in guild wars. if anything they should totaly rework it so when u cast something you actually see something! like final fantasy games you cast meteor, a meteor falls, not like in guild wars where a little orange smudge kinda briefly appears for a split second.inferno? wow a circle of crapy orange smudges! cool!
/sarcasm off
well spells look quite nice in gw, just take a look at inferno/phoenix and some other spells

they look fine to me

exiled mat
protective spirit ftw
but the "turn off spell and weapon animations" thing could be of some use for the low-end machines

but the "turn off spell and weapon animations" thing could be of some use for the low-end machines

Cow Tale
LOL it doesnt even look like fire though. i wasnt sayin they need to make spells into cinematics, just make them look intricat. FF was just an example of good lookin spells. i love gws. i just wish when i set someone on fire, it would look like it, ya know? its not like im going to quit playing gws because of it. the enviorments are beautiful, the characters look awesome, just wish theyd put that kinda effort into the spells as well.
Originally Posted by Cow Tale
i just wish when i set someone on fire, it would look like it, ya know?
The reason I ask is because when my Ele uses say Immolate or Rodgort's Invocation on something they set it on fire. You can easily tell this as they have bloody big flames all over them!
Perhaps you don't have the computing horsepower to run the game at full settings and see all the effects.
Cow Tale
step 1. go outside and start fire
step 2. look at gws fire
step 3. look at another games fire, lets say FEAR
step 4. realize that gws plain orange fire looks nothing like real fire
but maybe YOU dont have the computing horsepower to play a high performance game like FEAR or Doom3. u should be able to find some matches and lighter fluid to burn some stuff and experience what real fire looks like though.
fire consist of more than one color. when things burn it makes smoke.
even diablo 2 had flames that were multicolored
but there are many spells besides fire spells that suffer from a lack of cool visual effects. there is one water spell that i thought was nicely done, forgot what it was called though. all other rpgs have cool spells except maybe Earthbound on SNES, lol have u ever played that one?
step 2. look at gws fire
step 3. look at another games fire, lets say FEAR
step 4. realize that gws plain orange fire looks nothing like real fire
but maybe YOU dont have the computing horsepower to play a high performance game like FEAR or Doom3. u should be able to find some matches and lighter fluid to burn some stuff and experience what real fire looks like though.
fire consist of more than one color. when things burn it makes smoke.
even diablo 2 had flames that were multicolored
but there are many spells besides fire spells that suffer from a lack of cool visual effects. there is one water spell that i thought was nicely done, forgot what it was called though. all other rpgs have cool spells except maybe Earthbound on SNES, lol have u ever played that one?
Originally Posted by Cow Tale
but maybe YOU dont have the computing horsepower to play a high performance game like FEAR or Doom3.
Cow Tale
never said anything about not having flames, all i said is the spells look like crap. all i did was suggesst that they improve on a already beautiful game. if they improved it you wouldnt complain right? might just be me i guess but i thought this would be a wondeful idea. alot better than most ideas i see posted on here. e.g "to have a Pirate class" lol sillyness! but the fire in FEAR does rock! doesnt it?
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