Prophecies characters in Factions and vice versa question


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006




I have one question that I have really been wondering about..

Can I use a Prophecies character to play Factions, and vice versa? I know that when both are installed, I get special missions into the Prophecies campaign. I would like to know if I can play the entire Factions game with my Prophecies character(s) and the entire Prophecies game with my Factions character(s).

Any help on how to do this if it is possible would be nice.

Thanks for any help




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Canthans can do a quest in Kaineng to get access to Tyria, Tyrian characters can do a quest in Lions Arch to get access to Cantha. You won't be able to do quests prior to your arrival (ie. no quests in Ascalon for Canthans).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


Hehe, I've just signed up so I could ask this exact same question.

I have both Prophicies and Factions but rarely played either of them. In fact, I have just deleted all of my characters and started again.

It seems there have been a few changes since I last played (like the upgrades to the chest - I love that!)

Anyway, Tyggen, when you say you won't be able to do quests prior to your arrival, what do you mean? That sounds like you are saying you need to be in Ascalon to do Ascalon quests.

With a Factions character, if you did the quest to gain access to Ascalon, would you arrive pre-searing??



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

What he means is, only quests\missions from Lions arch onwards are available if you arrive over from factions. Pre-sear is only available to new Tyrian born characters. Period.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Originally Posted by Slainster
What he means is, only quests\missions from Lions arch onwards are available if you arrive over from factions. Pre-sear is only available to new Tyrian born characters. Period.
To make a correction, you can still do missions prior to Lions Arch, but you wont gain any experience or skill points that Tyrian born characters would recieve.

And now to elaborate on the above, the reason why you cant do quests prior to Lions Arch is because your foreign character eneters the scene when everything starts from that character at Lions Arch. So it would break the storyline if you suddenly decide to do quests in Ascalon and Northern Shiverpeaks.

Anyway, to get from Tyria to Cantha, speak to the skills guy in Lions Arch, he;ll have a special quest for you. Follow the quest, it's straightforward and you'll get to Cantha in no time.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


Makes perfect sense

I assume you can then bounce between Tyria/Cantha?

I also assume that when NIghtfall is released you will be able to link all 3? Hoping to get my copy on Friday but with the luck I have had in the past it will arrive in about 3 weeks....



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



still wonder were they will put the quest to go to nighfall with your other char, maby on the pvp islands since the zaishen are in the story in of nighfall it would make sence


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by PieOPah
Makes perfect sense

I assume you can then bounce between Tyria/Cantha?

I also assume that when NIghtfall is released you will be able to link all 3? Hoping to get my copy on Friday but with the luck I have had in the past it will arrive in about 3 weeks....
Yep, you'll be able to travel between any place you've got linked to your account.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


It's A Trick Get An [Axe]

Originally Posted by elliot
still wonder were they will put the quest to go to nighfall with your other char, maby on the pvp islands since the zaishen are in the story in of nighfall it would make sence
It'll be in Lion's Arch, just as it was to get to Cantha. Lion's Arch is Tyria's port city. For those wanting to go to Elona from Cantha, the quest will most likely be in KC, as that is Cantha's port city.

All indications are that Kamadan will be Elona's port city, and Elonian-born characters would take quests there to get to LA and KC.