I hope that we will see Alliance Announcements added in a build soon. Alliances really need a better communication method for those who might not be online as much as others. The Guild Annoucements tab is quite helpful for promoting a new event, but its often hard to get that same info out to everyone in the alliance, even if you have an alliance forum. Simple fact is most people not in the lead alliance rarely check their forum. If we have Alliance Annoucments, we would be able to get info out to more folks within the community pretty quickly.
Alliance Announcements
i think this is quite a good idea but i think its just a lil bit bombarding everytime you log in that you have your guild and alliance msg come up and if they were using the max amount of letters in an announcement it would get quite annoying but thats my problem, but other than that
Awesome Nuke
Just tell other guild leaders to add a message to their own guild message
/signed, i like this idea, also the guild leader and alliance leader name , officers and things like that in guild window or alliance window would be cool too
Trying to communicate within an alliance now is brutal. One of the guild leaders in my alliance opened up his message board and TS server to the whole alliance. Most people don't know about it, though, because it is all just hit-or-miss messages in the alliance channel.
Trying to communicate within an alliance now is brutal. One of the guild leaders in my alliance opened up his message board and TS server to the whole alliance. Most people don't know about it, though, because it is all just hit-or-miss messages in the alliance channel.
Chaco Nautzi
I like this idea, but I think that there should be more room than the regular guild announcements section, say if more than one leader wanted to post somethign that the entire alliance needed to hear. "If you abuse chat you will be kicked -says whoever" next Someone puts osmething in about the halloween event, remind people about the times, quests, etc. then someone tells about w/e else
However this might just create conflict between guilds in the alliance, such-and-such wanted to post this but the last of the space was taken up by an unnecesssary anouncement.
but hell I liek the idea /signed
However this might just create conflict between guilds in the alliance, such-and-such wanted to post this but the last of the space was taken up by an unnecesssary anouncement.
but hell I liek the idea /signed