I have 10,000 Luxon and Kurzick, but...
Dr Wu
...when in a Kurzick town, they won't serve me, but when in a Luxon town, they do. How do I get the Kurzicks to serve me ?
I have exactly 10,000 of each Faction.
I have exactly 10,000 of each Faction.
You need to have more of one than the other, i.e. more Kurzick than Luxon to get the Kurzicks to deal with you. Complete the "befriending" quest for each then spend it, trade it in for amber or jade.
How did you get 10k of each? Hmmm, I suppose you quested for one side's faction and did like AB's for the other?
How did you get 10k of each? Hmmm, I suppose you quested for one side's faction and did like AB's for the other?
Unfortunately when you trade in the faction for one side you will lose an equal amount for the other. You shouldn't accumulate faction for both sides at the same time. You should always trade in the faction for one side before you switch.
Dr Wu
Originally Posted by DeanBB
How did you get 10k of each? Hmmm, I suppose you quested for one side's faction and did like AB's for the other? |
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by DeanBB
How did you get 10k of each? Hmmm, I suppose you quested for one side's faction and did like AB's for the other?
To OP: Buy Amber with your 10k faction and sell the amber - it is worth more than Jade. After you clear both factions down to zeio by obtaining 10 amber chunks, do one quest or bribe a kurzick priest at a res shrine and you will then have more Kurzick faction than Luxon, and the Kurzick NPC's will talk to you. The reason the Luxons will talk and Kurzicks won't when you have equal faction is because your guild is aligned with the Luxons.
New Buddha
Originally Posted by Dr Wu
My monk finished the game from the Luxon side after aquiring 10,000 Luxon..then went and did the Kurzick missions/quests and got the 10,000 Kurzick...so now all my chars have 10,000 of each.
Originally Posted by Buddha Palm
I would keep both at or close to the 10,000. this way makes it easier for your other toons. They wont have to do the befriending quest for that 10k for either side and can speed up the game...if that is what you want. otherwise, yes cash it in for ambers/jades
What's this about bribing the sacred position of the clergy? Blasphemy?! Heretics?! Tell me about this blasphemous heresy, it sounds like fun.
Swinging Fists
Anyways, when do you need to sell to one side or the other ? If I am on the "wrong side" I simply map to somewhere that I can talk to an NPC, or even better for me, my guild hall. The NPC's ignoring you really don't pose much of a problem. The inability to resurrect in foreign territory... that's a different story.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by ischuros
What's this about bribing the sacred position of the clergy? Blasphemy?! Heretics?! Tell me about this blasphemous heresy, it sounds like fun.
Originally Posted by Dr Wu
...when in a Kurzick town, they won't serve me, but when in a Luxon town, they do. How do I get the Kurzicks to serve me ?
I have exactly 10,000 of each Faction. |
If you have the same amount of faction for both sides, it depends which side your alliance/guild is allied to.
Honestly, if you have 10k faction on both sides, I'd asume that you could just cash in 1k for some Jade/Amber and that *should* tip the balance in the favor that you want it to go in. And if that doesn't do it, a quick run through one of the challenge missions will get you that 1+ faction you need to actually tip the balance.
Just my thoughts on the situation.
Just my thoughts on the situation.
Originally Posted by VGJustice
Honestly, if you have 10k faction on both sides, I'd asume that you could just cash in 1k for some Jade/Amber and that *should* tip the balance in the favor that you want it to go in. And if that doesn't do it, a quick run through one of the challenge missions will get you that 1+ faction you need to actually tip the balance.
Just my thoughts on the situation. |