Well, I came up with an Idea while talking with a friend about exp in Guildwars.
The Idea was to create a title for the amount of your exp.
for Example:
500,000 exp: Begginer
1,000,000 Exp: Intermediate
5,000,000 Exp: Advanced
10,000,000 Exp: Master
20,000,000 Exp: Grand master
(all of the names are just for the example)
So what do you think?
Exp Title!
Monk Klausner
Wrath Of Dragons
This has been discussed many times. many many times. The link to the thread is.........
ill go look. brb
ok heres one: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...light=Ti tles
just type "titles" into the search
This has been discussed many times. many many times. The link to the thread is.........
ill go look. brb
ok heres one: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...light=Ti tles
just type "titles" into the search
"Exp SS Nec LF 55/SB Monk - Must show title with 20mil+ xp!"
We have enough elitism in PvP, please don't let it spread any further into PvE
We have enough elitism in PvP, please don't let it spread any further into PvE

The truth itself
Another grinding title?
I think not.
LF SS must have 10000+ xp yes
LF SS must have 10000+ xp yes

I think its funny that people are still trying to say that titles will bring on eliteism, tehy ahve been crying about it sinch factions, and not one bit of it has happend yet. No one cares about titles, just like no one cares if you have high fame when you play pve.
Knight Othin Of War
no thanks, keep the titles as they are
/Not Signed
/Not Signed
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
We have enough elitism in PvP, please don't let it spread any further into PvE
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Hey, I'm not that far from Grand Master tier! 
Alas, but no. Been suggested, been killed many, many times for reasons that are known.

Alas, but no. Been suggested, been killed many, many times for reasons that are known.
Been suggested many times before.