I have a quick question about how the servers work.
My friend and I are wanting to start accounts for GWs, and was wondering if the servers go by regions of the world, or regions of a continent. I am on the west coast (Cali), and he is in the mid-west (missouri). Will we be able to get onto the same server, or will we be divided?
Thanks for any help,
Server Question
You should both start out in america (if you want), you can change whenever a few times (max 5 times). This isn't like other games, such as WoW, you can chat with ppl playing on different regions, and even meet them in international districts (of which most PvE is empty).
Originally Posted by Stemnin
You should both start out in america (if you want), you can change whenever a few times (max 5 times). This isn't like other games, such as WoW, you can chat with ppl playing on different regions, and even meet them in international districts (of which most PvE is empty).
As for how the servers work, they are continent based, for the most part.
North America, Europe, Korea
The far east (korea, etc) follow a slightly different server plan, but generally speaking it's continent based, unless your continent has locations where your closest neighbor is a days drive away (Australia

re above:
there's also japan and taiwan
there's also japan and taiwan