"newbie" questions

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hey everyone,

I'm thinking about starting with GW next week, But there's some things I don't quite understand from the homesite.
What's the PvP like? Can you attack anyone(anywhere) or can you only PvP in small PvP zones? And what's with the "Create a PvP (lvl20) char", it's all a bit unclear to me.

And maybe can someone tell me the main differences between GW and WoW?
(concering prof's, pvp, what ever relevent)

Thanks in advance,




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

The PvE and PvP areas are totally separate, there is no attacking a player character in a PvE zone. PvP is in various "arenas" with Factions adding in some more options.

A PvP character is instantly level 20 and can only participate in PvP activities, they cannot explore the PvE world. PvE toons start at level 1 and can both explore the world (run thru the game's story) and do PvE.

I haven't played WOW.

Guildwiki has good info and includes starter guides.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


lemme put it this way (since you're coming from wow), all pve areas are seperately instanced. one party from 1 player up to 12 players (usually 8 max though) enters a zone and will never see another player untill they enter another town.
a pvp character can also use any skill which has been 'unlocked' either through any pve character learning it, or any pvp character unlocking it via battle award, whereas a pve character can only use those skills it has learned personally.

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

thanks guys. Pretty surely gonna buy gw with some friends after my school testweek.
Seems like alot of fun. Oh btw, max level is 20? Ill check out that site!
thanks alot.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


yeap level 20 is the highest level...




Join Date: Dec 2005




But level doesn't matter ( except in pvp ). It's the skills you use/have, attribute points you use etc.