Best Way to get Drunkard title..?

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Join Date: Jun 2006

Best Way to get Drunkard title..?

I've decided to get Drunkard title, and was wondering what's the best way or combination of alcohols to stay drunk as long as possible before having to drink another..?

All help appreciated!

I know how to get the title, just want to know what's the best way to achieve it.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Spiked Eggnog, and Flasks of Firewater (both discontinued "event" items) are the best alcohols in terms of how many it takes to get you drunk.

Mars Dragonblade

Mars Dragonblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006


Ministry of Fate [MoF]


The only way to get it is to spend at least 1000 minutes in total drunk, by drinking any kind of alcohol in the game. Everything you need to know can be found here. The only other title beyond that is Incorrigible Ale Hound, the requirement for it is by accumulating a total of 10,000 minutes steaming drunk and completely sparkled by swallowing as much bevvy as you possibly can . Good luck.

shaolin mind trick

shaolin mind trick

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Aequitas Deis [AD]


With the regular drinks, 5 to start then one every minute is a good way to go.
With spiked eggnog and firewater, I usually do 2 to start, then one every 3 minutes.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Also you can get Ale in pre for free and 2 to start and 1 every 3 mins.