WTH is with the pricing on black dye?
Does anyone know, or does anyone have any thoughts on why the black dye is so dam*ed expensive?
cos it looks cool. anything that looks cool must cost alot like 15k armor

Rare, in demand.
Yeah, I do! It's down to supply and demand. Although I'd like to know why you think damned is a swear word and blanked a character out!
It's expensive because it's a rare drop and lots of people want it. Maybe if it wasn't dammed up, there'd be more of it for everyone.
Isn't the price indicative, somewhat, of the fact that there are tons of people with very little imagination? I mean, there are so many cool colors you can make with combos, etc.. yet the majority wanna run around in all black like they are Neo or part of the Trenchcoat Mafia or something.
sometimes black looks best for a certain outfit, but I don't typically like having all my chars dyed black (its a waste of money and of prettiness). However its kinda like the weapons that collectors have that are just as good as the gold or greens, but they don't "look" the same or rather they aren't expensive so they aren't worth having. It's a glamor show of money or something >_<
It was like 12k two days ago and now it's back to 10k.
Shonmi Woolyhead
heh, some dye traders have been hoarding black dye, since they expect a price spike after nightfall comes out friday.
Tark Alkerk
well it went as high as 15k after the dragon festival because just about everyone wanted it for there helm.
the price is been falling slowly since.
the price is been falling slowly since.
i was there when it was 35k and when it was sold out O.O
i made a new char around that time and ascolon was full of people offering 50g for black dyes. i took great delight in spamming how much they were really worth.
i made a new char around that time and ascolon was full of people offering 50g for black dyes. i took great delight in spamming how much they were really worth.
figure in over 700 hours of play over 6 chars I have had it drop 4 times and seen it drop for others less than that. I kept it for guaranted cash, until I got my necro 15k armor then dyed it a nice shade of dried blood. black worked much better with the combo than any other color
I remember when it was only 4k. Nice and cheap back then, unlike now...
Malice Black
Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
Rare, in demand.
It's the rarest dye drop, not many people sell to the merchant as you can get a better price selling to a real person...merchant has a small supply so the cost is high if everyone sold their blacks to merchant then merchant would have a high supply and cost would be low-ish.
Black dye is a luxury item (or noob item, depending on your opinion) its not needed so why complain?
I'm not oblivious to the supply and demand issue, my point is why did the game programmers chose to make black so rare and the other colors common? I don't see any more characters running around in game in black than I do the other colors, yet it's price is outrageous. Seems to me that they have programmed in a lesser volume of black in the game, causing the higher demand.
As for being bandwagon black, that's not the case. I don't know if anyone in here played Fable The Lost Chapters, but the dark plate armor looked awesome, and I was trying to re-create that in Guild Wars, but I need black to do it. Not going to happen at this price though!!!
As for being bandwagon black, that's not the case. I don't know if anyone in here played Fable The Lost Chapters, but the dark plate armor looked awesome, and I was trying to re-create that in Guild Wars, but I need black to do it. Not going to happen at this price though!!!
- A high demand isn't caused by a low supply
- The reason you don't see more people with armor dyed black is not because people don't want black but because of... The low supply!
You said it yourself, you think black looks awesome. You're hardly alone in that, black is in high demand because a lot of people want it. Might also be why they made the drops rare, the economy would be boring as hell if everything was priced the same.
*Looks at his stocked up dye, awaiting nightfall*
- The reason you don't see more people with armor dyed black is not because people don't want black but because of... The low supply!
You said it yourself, you think black looks awesome. You're hardly alone in that, black is in high demand because a lot of people want it. Might also be why they made the drops rare, the economy would be boring as hell if everything was priced the same.
*Looks at his stocked up dye, awaiting nightfall*
Paloma Song
Originally Posted by Kiros37100
- A high demand isn't caused by a low supply
Arwen Granger
People are just hoarding black dyes. remember seeing someone selling 7 stacks of black dyes in an auction?
its called supply&demand.
end of discussion.
end of discussion.
Since the new Black Dye won't stack with the old ones it is going to make people re-evaluate.
I would guess that the White Dye will be the hot thing for a while (depending on how rare a drop it is)
I have already heard of people selling White for 45-60k
I would guess that the White Dye will be the hot thing for a while (depending on how rare a drop it is)
I have already heard of people selling White for 45-60k
Retribution X
And, Since their Black is worth nothing to the traders, they have a worth of 1 gold. YaY!
Damn. New dye will be expensive.
Damn. New dye will be expensive.
White Dye was up to 26k and Brown dye was up to 850g last I checked the Dye Trader.
yeah white dye was high yesterday but this happend with black too i found 2 yesterday and sold them to merch for 49k each, the price is dropping allready last check it was down from 60k at merch to 22, only reason this is so high is cos it was a new drop etc, hopefull this will drop some more as white on new charrs looks nice

Personally I like my gold dye mix... looks great on monk and necro tatoo/scar patterns
Its not expensive
White down to 15k now