green item's value


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

1)The green item price on merchant could not reflex its true value; all of them are 35 dollars. But the light blue item in weapon crafter with less function cost 5K-10K and lots of materials. As you know, the trading systems between players have a guideline on materials trader, merchant, and dye trader. But there is no guideline on green items so that the price is very unstable. May be we can sell the green item to weapon crafter with its true value.

2) Beside green weapon, is it possible to create green armor?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I think the reason for all the greens being worth only 35 gold (yes, it's gold, not dollars) is so that people don't farm repeatedly, knowing that they can instantly trade in their crappy Mesmer green for 500 gold. (For those of you who were there when oro farming wasn't nerfed, I'm sure you know what it's like to get an unsellable green, just because it's so crap or theres so many.)

Also, it is not possible to get green armor. All greens drop from monsters. This means it is monster armor and cannot be worn. All armor is customised for whoever crafts it, so what would happen if Warrior boss x drops armor for a Mesmer?

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Guildmistress Eve [Me], Guildmistress Azura [N], Guildmistress Azumi [A], Guildmistress Jaina [D]

Guildmaster Aeron [Rt], Arthas Ironfist [W], Guild: The Tyrian Templars [TTT]

It would be great for the market, because the green armor will auto-customized for the character it drops for.

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


not all greens drop from monsters! theres 2 green mini pets also!!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Below comment just a suggestion

For the new comer those haven’t enough money and lots of materials, they can farm the green armor. Off course this armor has the same function like armor crafter.

The armor can be classify as warrior, ele, neco..ect but will not customized so that people can trade them or just provide one more choice for our armor.