How can I get the skills from Prophecies?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


Hello everyone :-)

This is my first post. I have bought my Factions about 15 days ago. I created a Mo/R and after I leveled to 20 my character I decided that I had to find a bit more about the game and started reading.

From what I have read, especially about builds there are certain spells that are unique to the prophecies campaign. So if for example I want to make the build for an invicimonk, but also most other builds I need certain skills that appear in Prophecies as well.

This morning I bought the Prophecies campaign as well, and I am ready to travel back with one of my characters to Tyria. The reason being I want to gain access to certain spells that I can't have in Factions.

Before I do that, I decided to ask you guys, since you know much more about the game and you might suggest an alternative (if there is one) or another course of action.

Thank you all in advance :-)
Ceres the Alonis

Tark Alkerk

Tark Alkerk

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

In a Black Hole



well if you start a chat in propheccies, you can do lots of quests from profession trainers to get skills, you can get skills from propheccies the same way you can get skills from factions, ie buy them from a skill trader, there is one in Lions arch called first watch sergio.
and no there isn't really any alternative.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


So what you are actually saying is that every character that I have created and leveled in Factions has to travel back to prophecies, and do the whole campaign until he/she aquires the skill that he/she wants. Right?

One more thought. Is there any way that a character "born and raised" in prophecies can trade or send skills to any of my other characters in factions?

What if I buy the PvP editions? Since the PvP editions unlock all the skills and elite ones, will I be able to access these skills with my PvE characters?

Thank you all again in advance :-)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



If you take a Canthan based character over to Tyria, you will end up in Lion's Arch. There you can either buy skills, as Tark said, but also many of the side quests after Lion's Arch will offer skills as part of the quest rewards, but only for the six core professions, i.e. Ritualists and Assassins can get no skills in Tyria whatsoever.

One more thought. Is there any way that a character "born and raised" in prophecies can trade or send skills to any of my other characters in factions?
No, but if any of your characters aquire a skill it will "unlock" it, so you can either buy it from a skill trader earlier in prophecies or use it in PvP.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by ermns
So what you are actually saying is that every character that I have created and leveled in Factions has to travel back to prophecies, and do the whole campaign until he/she aquires the skill that he/she wants. Right?
When you go to Tyria, you end up in Lion's Arch, which is about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way through that storyline. You won't be able to do any of the quests that come before LA. But there are several skills quests that come after that. Once you reach the desert area, Elite skills can be capped (you can be run all the way to the desert, skipping a huge chunck of the story). Eventually, you'll reach Ember Light Camp, the skills trainer there has all of the non-elite skills available to purchase.

One more thought. Is there any way that a character "born and raised" in prophecies can trade or send skills to any of my other characters in factions?
Nope, all skills are "learned" by that character and can't be transfered between characters. But any skill you have unlocked can be used when creating a PvP character.

What if I buy the PvP editions? Since the PvP editions unlock all the skills and elite ones, will I be able to access these skills with my PvE characters?
No, skills unlocked this way are only available for creating PvP characters.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


Thank you.

The answers where very helpful :-)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


actually, there is one usefull effect of unlocking skills, any skill trainer in the chapter will sell any core or chapter specific (i.e. not factions skills in LA, but core and prophesies skills) that you have unlocked. In prophesies not very many skills are available from each skills trainer until very late in the game, so this becomes very usefull.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


If you have money to burn or only need elites you might consider taking your character from Lion's Arch back to Beacon's Perch then getting a run to Droknar's Forge. From there you can cap most of the elites and also buy most skills from the trainer.

You can also check guildwiki's skill lists to see if the skill you want is offered by a quest (only after Lion's Arch for Canthan's) and decide if it's worth getting the skill that way rather than buying it.