In Prophecies,to get into FoW or UW it requires your character to be ascended.
In Factions, your character has to be Wei So Nu.
What i wanna know is, Can a character that is Wei So Nu access FoW or UW in Tyria without having done the desert missions?
Maybe a dumb Question
King Kong
Yeah pretty sure you can

That's possible
link tells you how to get to FoW from both Tyria and Cantha
information above in link for UW
link tells you how to get to FoW from both Tyria and Cantha
information above in link for UW
If yourve Become closer to the stars ( factions) or ascended (proph ) yo Can to UW or Fow at either Toa (prof) or Just after clearing the temple ( cant remember the places name in ( facts )
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by Locutas
If yourve Become closer to the stars ( factions) or ascended (proph ) yo Can to UW or Fow at either Toa (prof) or Just after clearing the temple ( cant remember the places name in ( facts )