How much does a guild hall cost?

Cantari Darkwing

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

House Darkstar



I'm new to GW, currently playing factions.

I have just started my guild and bought a cape, so now im looking to get a guild hall. I know I need a Celestial sigil (no idea where to get one, though saw them for sale) and was wondering what else is needed for a guild hall.

Also, while on the subject, what can you do with a guild hall in the way of upgrades?

It would seem this info is either hard to come by or not well known, though I figure people here will know.

Thanks in advance,




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


BGP Army [BGP]

You can buy a sigil from a sigil trader. If you talk to the Canthan Ambassador and have him take you to one of the guild halls, there will be a trader standing next to him in the guild hall. I think they're around 10-13k right now. There might also be one at the Great Temple of Balthazaar in the Battle Isles, but I don't remember. has a list of all the upgrades and how much they cost.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


There's prob all the info you'll need, i've only noticed sigil traders on the battle isles, namely Heroe's Ascent.

Edit, gah, was too slow!!!!



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


It really depends on what you feel is necessary for your hall. First of all sigils are running on a scale of 10-14k lately, varying from day to day. (Were 10k at trader on my last check.) They are available in Heroe's Ascent from a Sigil Trader, but you would get a better deal buying from another player. WTB Sigil usually gets quick responses. As for upgrades, they vary in price from 10k to 100k, depending on what you get. Availability includes Xunlai storage, merchant, skill trainers, dye traders, rare and common material traders, rune traders...basically the same things you would find in a "merchant's row." Some things are convenient in my opinion, such as storage, skills, etc.. but others, such as a dye trader, I personally do not find much use for.

Once you purchase your sigil and choose your hall, the GUild Lord will be available within the hall with a list of upgrades and prices from which you may choose.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Here's info on forming a guild and getting a hall from guildwiki:

Once you are there previewing a hall you can buy the sigil from a vendor. You'd have to check the current prices, I'm guessing 15k? Ours was 45k well over a year ago.

You can add pretty much each vendor you'd find in a town - Xunlai, Skills, Materials, Dye, etc.

Cantari Darkwing

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

House Darkstar


Excellent, thank you for you replies, I shall head over to the battle isle's and talk to the ambassador.
