Kurzick or Luxon ? When do i have to make a choice ?
Sepoh for Slearsi
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Oct 2006
25 Oct 2006 at 17:09 - 1
Hi 2 one & all,
Question is this: I would like to buy a 15K Kurzick armor
& 15K Luxon
is that possible ?
Why i am asking is up to now i can not even get in the gates of Vasburg.
Thanks 4 your time
The Pointless
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jul 2006
Stuck in the UK
Rage International [RAGE]
25 Oct 2006 at 17:15 - 2
Keep following your Primary Quests (Press L to see your quest log) until you finish the Sunjiang District mission. Then, in Maatu Keep, talk to Jamei and choose one of the two quests (or take both, doesn't really matter) and follow them to get to a Faction's Town. After that you will have to do yet another mission on either side to get to the 15K armour.
Jungle Guide
Join Date: May 2005
25 Oct 2006 at 17:21 - 3
You can buy both armor sets. Kurzick armor crafter will sell you armors if you have more kurzick than luxon faction and vice versa. Just complete enough primary quests and missions in both sides and then you have access to both armor crafters.