Changing Your Allegiance


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

New Jersey

Ok. I Was Luxon when I started out, then I did the friends of Kuzick quest, and became an ally of Kurick, and now I want to go back to Luxon. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do so. I've tried to speak too the Luxon Ambasador, Rhea (both in Cavilon) I've asked and looked around, no one can tell me how. I had 10,000 of each faction, but someone said I needed more of Luxon, so I dropped both and started over, and got 1 luxon faction and 0 kurick (just to see if that makes any difference) and still no results. Can anyone please tell me if it is possible, and how I can switch back. Who do I talk to, What town? Please Thank You!

Warrior Of The Toon

Warrior Of The Toon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Returning after a 50 month break. Hi.



Transfer or spend most/all of your Kurzick faction, then do some Luxon quests until you have more Luxon than Kurzick. Oh and try searching next time, this seems to have to be asked at least 1 time a day...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

New Jersey

Nvm I understand now, and figured it out. Thanks.