Just recently started playing again and realized I hadn't beaten the bonus on Nolani Academy. My friends aren't currently playing for various reasons so I'd like to hench it.
13 N/Me, build concentrated on blood spiking and life drain hexes. Any strategies? Thanks!
Henching Nolani Academy
Oh a GW forum
why don't you actually try it first before you come here asking for help...
Did before I posted. Failed. Came here asking for help. shh.
Fungus Amongus
Take your time. Move slowly through the graveyard and it should be a piece of cake. A few of the guards will just stand there and do nothing if you don't attack but rather degen them.
you could just move ahead, level to 20, get your armor/gear, and you can solo it easy with some lvl 18 fiends
I'm mainly doing it now cause the three quests (I'm sure I could find a couple more) are a bit too hard for me to simply hench, and grinding out xp hunting is a bane to me.
Thanks much for the tips.
Gonna go try it again... last time I just tried to bomb through it too fast.
Thanks much for the tips.

Dalinia Rhayn
If you're still having trouble and want some help, send me a message if I'm on - my name in game is the same as my forum name. I've just recently started over in GW, but my monk is up to Frost Gate now. If I'm not in the middle of something, I'd be happy to help.
Even having 1 more human player as opposed to all hench can make a big difference.
I play mostly in the evenings/late nights EST, though.

I play mostly in the evenings/late nights EST, though.
Thanks for the offer! I will friend ya. Borlis is next.
West coast here, but I'm on and off in the morning/afternoon/night, depending on how many real life obligations I have on any given day.
I was able to beat Nolani earlier with henchies... it just took patience, but wasn't too bad.
West coast here, but I'm on and off in the morning/afternoon/night, depending on how many real life obligations I have on any given day.

I was able to beat Nolani earlier with henchies... it just took patience, but wasn't too bad.