If u look in the material storage, a new slot for diamonds was added. Diamonds rubies and sapphires gonna be used in future armors?
The fact that they put the diamond right next to your rubies and sapphires in the material storage window (in the middle) pretty much gives away that r's and s's will be used somehow. I mean, why put the diamonds in that spot if they weren't going to be used?
Originally Posted by TideSwayer
The fact that they put the diamond right next to your rubies and sapphires in the material storage window (in the middle) pretty much gives away that r's and s's will be used somehow. I mean, why put the diamonds in that spot if they weren't going to be used?
And why would they add in something "that it goes with", if the stuff "that it goes with" weren't going to be used at all? Why bother creating diamonds in that case?
what drops diamonds i wonder...........
Material storage?