Is it possible to have a bad combination? My friend said Elementalist/Warrior is one of the worst combinations in the game, but the NPC where I started second Profession quest with said there is not really a bad combination possible.
Also, is this a good set for my Elementalist/Monk?
Information may not be completely accurate because I can't remember exact stats or names of certain items.
Level 20
Stormy Eye - +1 Air Magic +51 Armor
Full Elementalist outfit each piece gives +51 armor
Air Wand (customized) - Damage: 10-20, and some other bonus I forgot...
Storm Artifact - Energy +6, 20% chance on half Air Spell recharging time and casting time.
Skill list
Lightning Strike
Lightning Javelin
Lightning Orb
Aura of Restoration
Air Attunement
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Attribute points spend:
11 (12 with the Storm Eye) in Air Magic
11 in Energy
Profession Combinations
Some combinations might be more useful for specific tasks, but in general no. All combinations have their own possibilities, pros and cons. Take the time to explore the skill possibilities of a E/W, then make up your own mind if it works for your playing style or not. If it doesn't you can change secondary profession later in the game.
Sounds like you're only in Amnoon (from your armour value and attribute points), don't worry too much about your setup untill you get max level armour and access to most skills through a trader (Droknars Forge). For now, I'd say just use what you feel works.
Sounds like you're only in Amnoon (from your armour value and attribute points), don't worry too much about your setup untill you get max level armour and access to most skills through a trader (Droknars Forge). For now, I'd say just use what you feel works.
Okay thanks.=D I'll do that.
I'm currently at Aurora Glade (or something) in Maguuma Jungle.;P
I'm currently at Aurora Glade (or something) in Maguuma Jungle.;P
Marty Silverblade
It depends on the build really. A Mo/W would usually suck in melee but with the appropriate skills they can farm lots of stuff.
Your build looks ok, but try to get a better offhand for a slightly bigger bonus (maybe you should aim for some greens)
If you have 51 AL armor in the jungle then you must have collectors armor? Unless you were run to Amnoon, which would be pointless as Droknar's Forge armor is better.
btw, armor is not +51 armor, it is 51 AL. The difference is that if it was all +51 armor, then it would all stack and you would have 255 AL.
Your build looks ok, but try to get a better offhand for a slightly bigger bonus (maybe you should aim for some greens)
If you have 51 AL armor in the jungle then you must have collectors armor? Unless you were run to Amnoon, which would be pointless as Droknar's Forge armor is better.
btw, armor is not +51 armor, it is 51 AL. The difference is that if it was all +51 armor, then it would all stack and you would have 255 AL.
What is a green?=s
I don't understand the AL thing. And yeah I got my armour from collectors.
I don't understand the AL thing. And yeah I got my armour from collectors.
greens are weapons offhands ect that are drop by a specific boss and are usaly max damage/energy ect
Da Scotty
Yes you can have a bad build (combination), however wont be world changing but I really do believe influence your game experience!
Try out the build section on Guru, you can learn from other people’s trial and errors, as well as some interesting new ideas, as well as where the builds will work best. I generally read up until I find something I like, or something I’m looking for
, copy the build and then start tweaking to my style of play
It’s an excellent reference that is worth taking a look at.
Try out the build section on Guru, you can learn from other people’s trial and errors, as well as some interesting new ideas, as well as where the builds will work best. I generally read up until I find something I like, or something I’m looking for