So whats the command to release these beasts? I hear the americans have already gained access to them and there seems to be some concern about bias in the euro districts..
Someone care to enlighten us?
New minipets!!
I don't think you can get the monsters until the game goes live, which is tommorw :/
moo moo
Alex just said in LA dis 1 that some people got them on a glitch. I was one of them, right after the update i typed /bonusitems and got mine so did some other people. After the next update you couldnt get them anymore.
Rhia Aislinn
I was running my ad for my Varesh last night for 100k + 60 ectos as b/o and didn't get any offers and then all of a sudden a few guys started competing over the pet. The bidding ended up topping 100k + 60 ectos. I ended up selling it for 100k + 89 ectos. That is a hella lots of money for that silly looking Varesh mini, but I'll gladly take their money. All this means is that I will now be able to afford Dervish and Paragon FoW armor right away.
Oh well grats to you Rhia, I heard there were 2 pets available, anyone know what the other pet is?
Rhia Aislinn
Grey Giant. I have one of those as well, but I'll have to unlock him again.
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
I don't think you can get the monsters until the game goes live, which is tommorw :/
is it thursday or friday today ?