Where to farm?
Ok, First i'd like to know what the best thing to farm with is. 55 monk? Axe solo-farmer? What? I have a good axe-solo farmer, but its only good at farming melee-monsters like trolls. Actually, only trolls. I havent found the minotaurs in the desert, I keep looking too. only a few. So that brings me to my next question. Where do you farm? What is the place to farm for good items like ectos, fellblades, brute swords, fiery and icy swords etc. Please answer ASAP, Im desperate for some cash.
eum farming is possible with any class. Check the builds section for farming builds and where 2 farm using those builds.
Ecto's only drop in UW, ToPk, FoW and magunna Jungle.
But hey if u wanna know where a certain item drops => use guildwiki
Ecto's only drop in UW, ToPk, FoW and magunna Jungle.
But hey if u wanna know where a certain item drops => use guildwiki
The Farming (builds) forum. Closed.