NEW UPDATE: Auto Centering Camera
Akasha Kyham
Like the others I may have some small gripes about the AOE changes and monster AI, but I'm willing to adapt and try new strategies.
However this new camera centering during battle has got to be fixed, removed,
or at least made so players can turn this feature off if they want to.
However this new camera centering during battle has got to be fixed, removed,
or at least made so players can turn this feature off if they want to.
Hasn't that always been there?
Akasha Kyham
No this is different. I mean have you tired fighting anything since the update?
I was fighting Avicara earlier with my ranger..and the camera would bobble and hop with his every sidestep...back and forth, trying to stay central. The only way to stop it was to drag the camera to the side a bit using the mouse cursor.
Totally annoying, cant imagine monking with this...must be terrible.
I was fighting Avicara earlier with my ranger..and the camera would bobble and hop with his every sidestep...back and forth, trying to stay central. The only way to stop it was to drag the camera to the side a bit using the mouse cursor.
Totally annoying, cant imagine monking with this...must be terrible.
This just screams out for a toggleable option.
I can imagine why they want a camera like this, for new players who don't konw how to move it and get lost.. we've probably all seen the guy in town asking people to tell him how to move his view because he accidently nudged it or whatever. I'm sure it's a problem for some people until they know how it works.
But for Gods sake, give an option for the rest of us who are completely comfortable with using the camera ourselves. Nothing is more annoying than when it moves from the position you placed it in. It's worse now than it ever was before. Don't treat us all like nitwits that cant figure out how to move the view. Please give us a toggle.
I can imagine why they want a camera like this, for new players who don't konw how to move it and get lost.. we've probably all seen the guy in town asking people to tell him how to move his view because he accidently nudged it or whatever. I'm sure it's a problem for some people until they know how it works.
But for Gods sake, give an option for the rest of us who are completely comfortable with using the camera ourselves. Nothing is more annoying than when it moves from the position you placed it in. It's worse now than it ever was before. Don't treat us all like nitwits that cant figure out how to move the view. Please give us a toggle.
This absolutely needs to be fixed/removed/made optional. Its like being drunk as the screen lurches round in circles. The game is hardly playable with the lumpy heavy movement.
ANet - DO IT!
ANet - DO IT!
Nurse With Wound
Its annoying and should be removed. It doesnt help monking in gvg at all!
make optional please.
Gwydeon Fate
The problem may actually be a new bug with the Free Camera toggle. In the past it was on by default. Now it seems to be off by default. And if you toggle it on, it reverts back to off after a few moments.
Anyway, I reported it as a bug and the reply didn't say 'it's not a bug it's a feature.'
Anyway, I reported it as a bug and the reply didn't say 'it's not a bug it's a feature.'
Omega X
I haven't seen this yet. I'll hold my opinion until then.
Sir Skullcrasher
I seen it, it feel like the camera is acting on it's own thought. I can't control the damn thing. It keep wanting to re-center itself and half the time it does a 360 when i tried to force it out of my sight.
The camera is definitely doing something it didn't do before. Here's what I posted in another thread:
I haven't even tried it in battle yet, but as having a monk toon myself I can only imagine...
I don't know what everyone else is experiencing with this, if anything, but I too have noticed the camera doing weird things now. It seems to work normally (as it used to) about half the time, but then the rest is this new dizzying stuff: For example, when using the keyboard (W A S D) keys to walk around -- if I stand still and turn to either side, the camera now swings exaggeratedly with me to look in the direction I'm turning, then recenters to behind me (it used to just stay in place in relation to me). This is nauseating and confusing. A less severe issue is when I stop running -- the camera moves slighty to maintain the "true behind" angle as my character goes from the running stance to the standing position (<-- some characters, more than others, turn their head a little bit for that "dramatic pose" when standing still). Again, this only happens about half the time, but regardless, it's disorienting and frustrating -- ANet please return the camera to it's old style! |
LoKi Foxfire
I think I've been able to force the camera into position... then again I mostly play my ranger in groups so. :X
Sir Skullcrasher
well, the camera seem to be stuck everytime i try to turn it behind me. Also, there is a invisible wall behind me or some sort that stop the camera half way and it will bounce back.
hmmm well, I haven't noticed anything new about the camera. but then again I mostly use mouse clicks or RMB+WASD to move and look around... FPS custom, you see.
I have this camera problem when I go to rotate my character with my WASD keys, the camera seems to jump and it is very agitating.
an option to disable this is needed plz. The large dmg numbers are bad enough.
While engaged in combat my char kept turning to whomever was target, no matter how close to center - I actually started feeling queezy, go figure.
Anyway, I did notice that when I changed my view to off center it didn't move around. Just toggled targets and went at it.
ign - Huntress Velasca
While engaged in combat my char kept turning to whomever was target, no matter how close to center - I actually started feeling queezy, go figure.
Anyway, I did notice that when I changed my view to off center it didn't move around. Just toggled targets and went at it.
ign - Huntress Velasca
Oh man, I thought it was just me. It only does it sometimes, so I thought it may have been some kind of lag. It is very annoying.
Nurse With Wound
After playing 5 gvgs ( monk )im dizzy and I want to puke. Please adress this issue ASAP.
Guildmaster Cain
/signed on the annoying account
also when standing still in for instance towns, SOMETIMES when turning a few degrees left or right, it bugs and u go back to where you are. This is also very annoying
also when standing still in for instance towns, SOMETIMES when turning a few degrees left or right, it bugs and u go back to where you are. This is also very annoying
Swinging Fists
Get rid of it; make it optional; do whatever, just don't force it on us.
Choices are good, right ANet ?
Get rid of it; make it optional; do whatever, just don't force it on us.
Choices are good, right ANet ?
I jsut monked 9 gvg games (8/9 wins
) , i have no idea what your all talking about, my camera is the same as usual....

So, any news on this one?
The super-sensitivity of walking cancelling skills seems to be fixed.
Why is our camera-angle forced to watch the target we cast upon?
Highly annoying for monks that want to kite, cast, kite.
The super-sensitivity of walking cancelling skills seems to be fixed.
Why is our camera-angle forced to watch the target we cast upon?
Highly annoying for monks that want to kite, cast, kite.
Agreed, make it optional at the very least, I almost got motionsickness in vizunai square last night...
/signed for toggle or get rid of it.
Dutch Masterr
good thing you can turn it off, when i play on my healer my screen spins all over the place...also having the skills super sensitive to movement doesnt help either
and put option for numbers too...scale those spaz numbers DOWN, reminds me of bubble gum commercials - dont ask
and put option for numbers too...scale those spaz numbers DOWN, reminds me of bubble gum commercials - dont ask
Tetris L
<- Please!

I agree it is most annoying. Please, please, please fix it, or toggle it, or something.
I can't even imagine trying to monk with this "new" camera - I was playing a Rit and was having a hard enough time while casting Vengeful Weapon every now and than. Definitely needs to be an option to turn it off.
Sir Skullcrasher
I was playing last night. Boy it was crazy doing chests run when the camera likes to do 360 or stay in one direction. I was actually getting dizzy.
Alex or Gaile, I hope you can give some info on this. It's like being in a rollercoaster when I play monk now.

Since Nightfall went live my camera doesn't spin to focus on the target. I have to manually position/aim my camera more now. (which I don't really mind) I'm just not sure if this is a bug or just changes to how the camera option works.
/signed emphatically!
Not sure what the reasoning was behind this change but it really needs to be removed or have a toggle. Its added a huge amount of frustration to monking in particular.
Not sure what the reasoning was behind this change but it really needs to be removed or have a toggle. Its added a huge amount of frustration to monking in particular.
Aera Lure
The camera is frakked. Unhappy as I am with the October 25th update and certain aspects of that, the camera change makes the game particularly unpleasant to play and I havent played since the update. I am not 100% sure if I intend to either until the camera is fixed, having passed on Nightfall thus far.
Here's the problem for me at least, typically monking quite a bit:
Casting a heal every 3-10 seconds depending on the build and the situation means the camera spins absolutely non stop. Annoying as hell and I cannot maintain any sense of bearing. This is compounded by two more subtle but equally insidious movement problems: one being A and D oversensitivity as I try to turn to correct this forced view change and the other being the newly implemented movement oversensitivity during casting. The result is a constantly spinning screen, overcompensation as I try to figure out where I am and interrupting myself to add insult to injury. One of the the most frustrating gaming experiences I can remember in quite some time. I dont even want to log on to play really. I have just been checking every so often to see if these things are fixed yet.
Please fix the camera spinning and the movement issue so we could at least try to play with the rest of the changes from that awful update.
Here's the problem for me at least, typically monking quite a bit:
Casting a heal every 3-10 seconds depending on the build and the situation means the camera spins absolutely non stop. Annoying as hell and I cannot maintain any sense of bearing. This is compounded by two more subtle but equally insidious movement problems: one being A and D oversensitivity as I try to turn to correct this forced view change and the other being the newly implemented movement oversensitivity during casting. The result is a constantly spinning screen, overcompensation as I try to figure out where I am and interrupting myself to add insult to injury. One of the the most frustrating gaming experiences I can remember in quite some time. I dont even want to log on to play really. I have just been checking every so often to see if these things are fixed yet.
Please fix the camera spinning and the movement issue so we could at least try to play with the rest of the changes from that awful update.
Gaile/Alex is there a fix/toggle planned for this yet?
Gaile/Alex is there a fix/toggle planned for this yet?
Amity and Truth
It's just too much. An option is pretty much required.
It's not that much of problem on damage dealing classes but it turns into a constant rollercoaster on a monk. Yes, it is that bad. The camera engages into a constant spinning around, sometimes leaving you totally desoriented after you had to heal a few allies. Not to mention it spinning into positions that give you the worst overview of the battle.
It's just too much. An option is pretty much required.
It's not that much of problem on damage dealing classes but it turns into a constant rollercoaster on a monk. Yes, it is that bad. The camera engages into a constant spinning around, sometimes leaving you totally desoriented after you had to heal a few allies. Not to mention it spinning into positions that give you the worst overview of the battle.
I've also noticed this while trying to take screenshots. I love taking screenshots, and typically what I do is set the camera in front of the character so I can see their face, then turn around to see how the light looks at different angles. If I move at all, the camera pops right back around to the back.
I almost fear taking my monk out from what people are saying. :P The behavior is a bit frustrating.
I almost fear taking my monk out from what people are saying. :P The behavior is a bit frustrating.
Sir Skullcrasher
How did A-Net got the idead of changing the camera angle and sensitivity in the first place. I don't remember there is a posting on "OMG please change camera angle" long ago.