I was in ToA, one girl said she canceled her Nightfall order because of this.
Amity and Truth
Originally Posted by gameshoes3003
Like alot of skills, some are just meant more for PvP than others.
Sol Is Pyrrhus
Originally Posted by nugzta
Ironically SS is pretty much pve skill, any hex spells that controlled by your opponents are not that useful in pvp
Originally Posted by Rakeman
What exactly is the change?
Originally Posted by A_Muppet
(Melee) Monsters back off and heal when their health is too low-like any human player with a brain will do-instead of suicide themselves to death.
On a similer vein, a friend mentioned (as thier mesmer) that spellcasters were not casting themselves to death with 'Backfire' on them. And this was at least a week ago. |
Not A Fifty Five
Originally Posted by Sol Is Pyrrhus
Simply untrue. The whole point of putting on a hex such as Backfire or Spiteful Spirit is to stop the opponent from doing what they want to do. I use SS in PvP all the time; most of the time, warriors just swing straight into it, other times, the warriors wait until it's taken off; either way, it's a win win situation.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Originally Posted by lord_shar
The Monster-Retreat code only kicks in if there are more than 3 attackers on you. Otherwise, they behave normally. The extras fall back, while the first three attack until dead. At least this is what I saw when soloing smites post-patch.
Originally Posted by A_Muppet
(Melee) Monsters back off and heal when their health is too low-like any human player with a brain will do-instead of suicide themselves to death.
On a similer vein, a friend mentioned (as thier mesmer) that spellcasters were not casting themselves to death with 'Backfire' on them. And this was at least a week ago. |
Curse You
Originally Posted by nugzta
Ironically SS is pretty much pve skill, any hex spells that controlled by your opponents are not that useful in pvp (try backfire me, not gonna work against me :P)
Originally Posted by Faer
Spiteful Spirit hasn't changed; monster AI has. ArenaNet can't fix something that isn't broken. If you don't like it, please learn to use another skill. Spiteful Spirit is still useful for farming, you just have to think outside the box.