Question from a to-be GW player

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


I have a relatively easy question for you gw players. I was wondering, since there's Normal GW, Factions and Nightfall.. right?
And I heard stuff like, when u start on factions instead of nomal GW, you level faster..
I don't understand. Whats the difference between them all.. and can I play GW by buying just factions instead of standard gw for example? I just don't understand it all so well, if anyone could take a minute and explain what it's all about im very happy: )

Next week me and a group of friends start playing GW, just need to focus on school for now hehe. not taking risks.
Anyway thanks alot in advance!




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


The difference in leveling pace is the experience rewards from quests, the rewards are almost tenfold in Factions compared to Prophecies. I suggest starting NF since most of the fanbase will be there, if not I suggest Prophecies because the learning curve in Factions is far too steep.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Each chapter is a stand alone game so if you buy Factions you get the continent of Cantha to explore and all the associated skills, missions, quests, armor options, weapons and the core 6 professions + assassin + ritualist.

If you then add Prophecies to that account you can then explore Tyria and all of its missions, quests, skills, etc plus you get 2 more character slots.

Likewise if you add Nightfall you get all the Elonan-continent stuff plus the Paragon and Dervish professions.

If you just have 1 then you can't explore the others.

As far as leveling, the Prophecies campaign has a fairly gradual leveling curve with quests rewarding like 250 or 500 experience at a time. In Factions there are many quests with 2000 experience rewards so you get to level 20 quickly. Nightfall is supposed to be kinda between the two.

For a start point I'd recommend Prophecies, but just make sure you all get the same one or you won't be able to team up except for PvP.

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ohh ok

thanks guys.

But you can explore all 3 chapters with the same character ..right? Just to get things straightened out in my head ..

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Guess so


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

We Step On Puppies [PuP]


Only if you have all three of the games. If you don\'t have a chapter unlocked on your account, you can\'t visit it. And if you have it unlocked, then you can. My suggestion, is to buy all 3 chapters. Although the price is rather high, at $50 per game, it is well worth it. Each game has a little extra benefit, that the other game doesn\'t. I suppose as a PvP player, it helps MUCH more for me to have all the games, than a PvE person.

Factions was really fast paced, and took you through the game very quickly. In Prophecies, it was very slow paced, and you leveled up at such a excrutiatingly slow rate, but is a better place for farming and making money.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005



I would not suggest Factions for a good starting place. The PvE there is basically designed for tight groups of fully leveled characters who know what they're doing. Factions PvE is a zerg fest, you'll have waves upon waves of enemies... many of which that explode when they die.

Start in either Prophecies or Nightfall.

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

thank you guys! we're making PvE chars, since I dont see myself pvping all the time i play i love exploring game content.

Anyways, thanks alot.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Bawls Guarana
thank you guys! we're making PvE chars, since I dont see myself pvping all the time i play i love exploring game content.

Anyways, thanks alot.
get Nightfall as it introduces heros which are better than henchmen for filling in a group that is short a few people.

you can get prophicies any time but be sure to LINK the account keys or you will have separate games with no crossover