Best Change to GW in 2005
rotaulave said :" 1) it was easy to get back to 24, took maybe 30min of farming. "
Do you REALIZE how often some of us have to change our builds? Do you know that as a mesmer, it wasn't that easy to just go out and get some exp? It made the game full of grind, and I far like being able to change attribute points at no expense in town than having "flexibility" in the middle of a mission. That only was viable if someone stuck to using roughly the same build all the time.
My favorites:
1) att point change
2) enemy skill meter (made being a mesmer easier) introduction
3) Cap Sig change
Do you REALIZE how often some of us have to change our builds? Do you know that as a mesmer, it wasn't that easy to just go out and get some exp? It made the game full of grind, and I far like being able to change attribute points at no expense in town than having "flexibility" in the middle of a mission. That only was viable if someone stuck to using roughly the same build all the time.
My favorites:
1) att point change
2) enemy skill meter (made being a mesmer easier) introduction
3) Cap Sig change
Malchior Devenholm
My favorite, like everybody else, would have to be screwing the refund
Observer mode maintains a close 2nd
Observer mode maintains a close 2nd
acidic artist
Originally Posted by seut
a) refund points
b) change of skill-capping from 'while cast' to 'dead boss' c) faction |
I think it was all great, with the exception of the AoE nerf
BEST: Attribute Refund
WORST: Caromi Tengu nerf
or how they nerf mesmer skills to steal less energy with ether feast and burn and so on
WORST: Caromi Tengu nerf

There hasn't been a change that I've disagreed with so far. I for one like the new skill monitor, aoe patch, and refund point changes. SF was kinda nifty too

I liked all the changes but I think the refund removal was the best. It was especially bad if I wanted to test random builds in pvp using my pve char, I'd have to grind to get back my attributes each time I tested another type of build. It felt like such a joy when I could finally freely allocate attribute points, it made it a lot more fun testing other builds. And oh, the cape toggle was a marvelous change too, I can finally endure the ugly capes my guild usually has, I just turn it off.
AoE Patch
Addition of Dying Nightmares to UW (Seperated noob solo monks from the others... for a while
SF update
Addition of Dying Nightmares to UW (Seperated noob solo monks from the others... for a while

SF update
Mandy Memory
faction...end of story
everything was so boring and pointless before that
everything was so boring and pointless before that
A few things.
SF, removing /roll from towns, the new animated bar for casting skills (makes it so much easier for interupts), faction, and let us not forget changing how Sig of capture works.
I wish I could have named just one, but I would feel bad for leaving the others out
SF, removing /roll from towns, the new animated bar for casting skills (makes it so much easier for interupts), faction, and let us not forget changing how Sig of capture works.
I wish I could have named just one, but I would feel bad for leaving the others out
I agree on the refund points.
The worst change was the rune trader. As example. At the start of GW i bought superior absorption for only 10k. Now its 100K.
The worst change was the rune trader. As example. At the start of GW i bought superior absorption for only 10k. Now its 100K.
Lets try not to focus on the negitives, we already have enough topics covering that aspect of the game.
Best Changes - Sorrow's furnace & the addition of post-storyline quests.
Nerfing ranger spirits
Snowball fights = Loved the level playing field!!!!
Halloween update.
Almost made the list, but not quite: The AoE mod, THEY FORGOT ABOUT THE HENCHIES! "Symbol of Wrath" makes a good monster repellant, now.
Nerfing ranger spirits
Snowball fights = Loved the level playing field!!!!
Halloween update.
Almost made the list, but not quite: The AoE mod, THEY FORGOT ABOUT THE HENCHIES! "Symbol of Wrath" makes a good monster repellant, now.
Wrath of m0o
And the winner is.... PRICE RESET.
That had to be the absolute best thing that happened this year. 100g for a Superior Absorbtion. Fitty-cent for an Ecto. Shards a dime a dozen. Man that was a great day. And all prices back to normal in under what 20-30 min ?
How did this not make the list yet ?
That and being able to see what skill your enemy is using on your hud. That was also a great change.
That had to be the absolute best thing that happened this year. 100g for a Superior Absorbtion. Fitty-cent for an Ecto. Shards a dime a dozen. Man that was a great day. And all prices back to normal in under what 20-30 min ?
How did this not make the list yet ?
That and being able to see what skill your enemy is using on your hud. That was also a great change.
The best feature I've seen added since playing the game during the betas is...
The PvP inclusion of being able to see the skills that your allies and enemies are using at the top of the screen along with the cast time. This has made everyone more involved with the strategy of PvP as well as made the ranger's job of interrupts a lot easier. Before everyone would run around blindly not know what skills were being cast at all.
The PvP inclusion of being able to see the skills that your allies and enemies are using at the top of the screen along with the cast time. This has made everyone more involved with the strategy of PvP as well as made the ranger's job of interrupts a lot easier. Before everyone would run around blindly not know what skills were being cast at all.
The Fox
I loved the cap toggle option!
There have been so many great changes. Right now I think Observer Mode is my top pick.
Sergio Leone
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
And the winner is.... PRICE RESET.
That had to be the absolute best thing that happened this year. 100g for a Superior Absorbtion. Fitty-cent for an Ecto. Shards a dime a dozen. Man that was a great day. And all prices back to normal in under what 20-30 min ? How did this not make the list yet ? That and being able to see what skill your enemy is using on your hud. That was also a great change. |
David Lionmaster
my favorite: being able to see my pets damage, great for a full beastmaster.
second favorite: faction and the increase in faction.
third favorite: removal of refund points, i really hated those, but i dont change my pve build much anyway.
second favorite: faction and the increase in faction.
third favorite: removal of refund points, i really hated those, but i dont change my pve build much anyway.
Killing refund points. I this has made it easier to try lots of build combinations in little time. refund point limited ppl to only a few builds. I remember when no one would pick protection monks. Now a person can respec in seconds.
2nd pick Observer mode.
2nd pick Observer mode.
I would definitely say the refunds, I run a Ranger/Elelmental build, I chage my elemental skils constantly, just about every mission. I go from fire to ice to lightning to earth, it all depends on what I am killing.
Merry Madrigal
Although SF was a terrific add-on, my vote has to go to Observer mode, which not only added a fascinating aspect to the game, but really stands out in the history of gaming as a revoltionary advance.
Just think of the technology behind it - yes it seems simple enough, but how many of us would have thought it possible 3 years ago?
ANet raised the bar for ALL online games this year - and for that they deserve huge thanks.
Just think of the technology behind it - yes it seems simple enough, but how many of us would have thought it possible 3 years ago?
ANet raised the bar for ALL online games this year - and for that they deserve huge thanks.
Originally Posted by Merry Madrigal
Just think of the technology behind it - yes it seems simple enough, but how many of us would have thought it possible 3 years ago?
Hell, I think even Quake 1 may have had that feature.
It's most definitely not new.
1. Faction.
2. Attribute Refunds nixed
3. Holidays!
4. Toggable capes/hats - I finally could hide that hideous necro face scar.
2. Attribute Refunds nixed
3. Holidays!
4. Toggable capes/hats - I finally could hide that hideous necro face scar.
SF for sure. Can't wait till I can actually take Henchies into UW/FOW (It's GOTTA happen!) That will be my pick for 2006.
Merry Madrigal
The HL feature was nice, I even used it a few times, but come ON - nothing like this!!!
1. Observer Mode
2. Attribute point refund removed
3. AI changes
4. Sorrow's Furnace
2. Attribute point refund removed
3. AI changes
4. Sorrow's Furnace
Originally Posted by Merry Madrigal
The HL feature was nice, I even used it a few times, but come ON - nothing like this!!!
Observer Mode is very cool and is a great addition to GW, but it's not very novel.
1) Refund points: They didnt make sense in a game like GW anyway. If you can change your skills any time you like, why not the stats that those skills depend on ?
2) Observer Mode: Being able to watch the top guilds in action was a great experience.
3) Faction and increased gain after PvPX: Even though I'd like this to increase further, its pretty good.
4) A tie between Sorrow's Furnace and toggleable capes and hats.
2) Observer Mode: Being able to watch the top guilds in action was a great experience.
3) Faction and increased gain after PvPX: Even though I'd like this to increase further, its pretty good.
4) A tie between Sorrow's Furnace and toggleable capes and hats.