The Attunements need fixing...
Anyone noticed that the basic attunements give out less energy to the caster? When casting whilwind i got a +2 and a +5 only. It should be +1 +3 +5, which means i'm losing a net of 2 energy each spell. Quite sure it's a bug but it hurts in the long run.
Yes, the description said it will return 30% PLUS 1 energy. Now seems to return 30% MINUS 1 energy.
if you notice, none of the spells have been changed to what they are supossed to be, lava arrows, lava font, conjure element... and so on.
elementalists are the only class that havn't had their spells changed like they stated i'm guessing?
elementalists are the only class that havn't had their spells changed like they stated i'm guessing?