Nightfall Online Store Purchase
I keep getting "REFUSED (Code=1751104)" when trying to buy Nightfall from the online store, my card has enough money on it obviously. I hear people are already playing NF.. Online store bugged?
Im having the same problem, cant buy night fall at the online store. I also tryed at the plaync store but there is no reference to NightFall. Any hints?
PS: Sorry for my english, is not my native language
PS: Sorry for my english, is not my native language

got that problem first try, second try worked good, maybe you just have to be patient... and check you data match you credit card =)
well, now im at work. I will try again when i get back home, but i tryed about 5 times this morning, hope I didnt bought 5 games
I had this problem too. I changed my name to match the name on the card exactly, and on my address I typed in One, but changed it to 1 and that seemed to do the trick.
why buy it online? it's £17.99 on - almost half price!
Because if you buy it from the online store, it is instantly added to your account. You have immediate access. Besides, us US people won't have to wait a week or more for it to ship from overseas and pass customs.
I purchased my copy of Nightfall through the online store lastnight shortly after it became available. It didn't give me any problems and I was in Elona within a matter of minutes once the servers came online.
I purchased my copy of Nightfall through the online store lastnight shortly after it became available. It didn't give me any problems and I was in Elona within a matter of minutes once the servers came online.
I think this whole thing is bulls*it!
They could have told us in advance that we'd have the option to purchase through online store. I pre-ordered from amazon, and since NF has already shipped today, I'm at their mercy. Good thing I paid extra for 3 day shipping.
Now.. If I'd know a week in advance about all this, I'd cancel my order and purchase through GW online store. I dont care for the box, and the other crap.
And please, dont tell me that this was already said in advance. It wasnt. And if it was, it wasnt clear/visible enough so everyone would know.
They could have told us in advance that we'd have the option to purchase through online store. I pre-ordered from amazon, and since NF has already shipped today, I'm at their mercy. Good thing I paid extra for 3 day shipping.
Now.. If I'd know a week in advance about all this, I'd cancel my order and purchase through GW online store. I dont care for the box, and the other crap.
And please, dont tell me that this was already said in advance. It wasnt. And if it was, it wasnt clear/visible enough so everyone would know.
I tried last night for an hour to buy mine and got that SAME code.
What I did was..
I used my wifes debit card because apparently I hadnt activated MY card at an ATM since it was new. Yet we share the same account. So try calling the number on your card to activate it use it at an atm, even if you have been using it for gas and such, it is processed different for using it as a credit or debit card.
What I did was..
I used my wifes debit card because apparently I hadnt activated MY card at an ATM since it was new. Yet we share the same account. So try calling the number on your card to activate it use it at an atm, even if you have been using it for gas and such, it is processed different for using it as a credit or debit card.
hmm I didn't knew I had to activate my card for use at an ATM. I haven't done that (is a Visa credit card) and i have bought other stuff online before.