Grey Giant Frustration
It seems you have to be using a nightfall created character in order to get the broken toy and quest from /bonusitems.
I took my tyrian ranger in and it wouldn't give me the toy. So I created a test paragon, got the toy and traded it to my ranger in order to get the quest, but it wasn't active.
Why make us go through all this hassle?
I took my tyrian ranger in and it wouldn't give me the toy. So I created a test paragon, got the toy and traded it to my ranger in order to get the quest, but it wasn't active.
Why make us go through all this hassle?
No love; no joy.
WTF Anet
No love; no joy.
WTF Anet
I'm baffled, why would you want to have your Grey Giant on a specific character, it isn't personnalised which means you can get it on one character and then transfer it to another.
Some people aren't (weren't) planning to make new chars.
Neo Nugget
Originally Posted by Darakus
I'm baffled, why would you want to have your Grey Giant on a specific character, it isn't personnalised which means you can get it on one character and then transfer it to another.
Shadowspawn X
I dont want to make a Paragon or Dervish, yet im forced to create one just to get my quest/mini-pet then trade the pet to real character then delete the Elionan? What a hassle.
it's really not THAT hard to get it with a new character..
No it isn't THAT hard to get it, just confusing and seems unnecessary. This aspect was not explained to be necessary in the magiazine, so you see a lot of people start with their tyrian characters saying "Why can't I get my broken toy??" Some people don't want to make a dervish or paragon right away because they don't want to be in the sea of dervishes and paragons that will be in every town and mission for a least a month.
No the minipets aren't customized to your character.
No the minipets aren't customized to your character.
You don't have to make a dervish or paragon to get the toy...Cherno?
True, I should have rephrased that, You have to make an Elonian to get it, not just a dervish or paragon. But I already have 1 if not two of all the other professions, so the only elonian I am making would be dervish or paragon.
Sir Skullcrasher
Same with me Cherno. During the Nightfall preview event, i have no free slots to create a Elorna character to do the event. Now with three free slots (2 from Nightfall CE and one from Preorder pack) I can make one up to get Grey Giant. I do agree, why didn't they state clearly that only Nightfall made characters can get Grey Giant.
i entered the code and got the broken toy but i logged off for the night and logged back on and its gone o.O and /bonusitems doesn't work anymore.
Sir Skullcrasher
Did you used that code on Nightfall characters?
Gaile Gray
Some items are available to anyone, some are special items intended for specific characters. In the case of the Gray Giant, you need to go through the quest. There is no /bonusitem giveaway on this. If somehow /bonusitem got the Gray Giant for a short period of time, that was an error and it is now functioning as it should. The miniature is a quest item--by design--and you will get it for completing the quest. Now, the quest was designed to be brief, and to be fun, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy making that little run in order to acquire the item.
From PC Gamer:
"Now launch Guild Wars Nightfall and travel by ship to Kamadan, the port city for Elona if you're importing your character from Guild Wars Prophecies or Factions, or start a brand new character in Nightfall and head to Kamadan."
Umm, not too happy myself, can't get broken toy on my tyrian characters.
What's up A-Net?
"Now launch Guild Wars Nightfall and travel by ship to Kamadan, the port city for Elona if you're importing your character from Guild Wars Prophecies or Factions, or start a brand new character in Nightfall and head to Kamadan."
Umm, not too happy myself, can't get broken toy on my tyrian characters.
What's up A-Net?
Puddin Cheeks
The way it seems to work is you get a broken toy item from the /bonusitems command.
Then you give it to the toy maker person, in exchange for some other toy. Take that toy to the caravan and get your giant.
I have lost my /bonusitems broken toy and cannot retrieve it with the command anymore. I have not finished the quest, so I never received the giant. Am I now just stuck with no giant at all?
The way it seems to work is you get a broken toy item from the /bonusitems command.
Then you give it to the toy maker person, in exchange for some other toy. Take that toy to the caravan and get your giant.
I have lost my /bonusitems broken toy and cannot retrieve it with the command anymore. I have not finished the quest, so I never received the giant. Am I now just stuck with no giant at all?
Sheriff Bullock
I'm in the same boat, Puddin Cheeks. I created a Paragon and before the first mission typed /bonusitems so I could get the Fiery Sunspear from the Prerelease Bonus Pack. Then, I decided I didn't like the look of my character and deleted him. I remade the character and got to Kamadan and tried following the instructions in the November issue of PC Gamer to get my Gray Giant mini pet. I typed /bonusitems but the Broken Toy did not appear in my inventory. I guess because it appeared on my first character and I deleted him? Does the Broken Toy not respawn like the other bonus items? (I still get the Ithas Bow every time I type the command.) I would be very upset if I lost my mini pet because of this.
Horseman Of War
ya sherriff- you most likely deleted your broken toy.
Puddin Cheeks
And that is the same response I got from everyone.
And that is the same response I got from everyone.

Warmaster Patton
try putting in the code again, that should do it.
Sable Phoenix
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some items are available to anyone, some are special items intended for specific characters. In the case of the Gray Giant, you need to go through the quest. There is no /bonusitem giveaway on this. If somehow /bonusitem got the Gray Giant for a short period of time, that was an error and it is now functioning as it should. The miniature is a quest item--by design--and you will get it for completing the quest. Now, the quest was designed to be brief, and to be fun, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy making that little run in order to acquire the item.
In this particular case, I don't really care, but if I were in the position of the OP, this reply would sound incredibly haughty and unconcerned. In fact it sounds that way even though I'm not. Just a thought on how you might want to phrase these kind of things.
This also doesn't address the problem faced by people who have filled their character slots with characters from other campaigns and don't want to make an Elonian. I guess they're just screwed, huh?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some items are available to anyone, some are special items intended for specific characters. In the case of the Gray Giant, you need to go through the quest. There is no /bonusitem giveaway on this. If somehow /bonusitem got the Gray Giant for a short period of time, that was an error and it is now functioning as it should. The miniature is a quest item--by design--and you will get it for completing the quest. Now, the quest was designed to be brief, and to be fun, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy making that little run in order to acquire the item.
Once you have that item, you take it to Makhar (or whatever his name is) and he sends you on the quest. Quest reward gets you the giant.
This worked flawlessly in the preview event, but during that event we were only able to use elonian characters.
Now it seems that it is only if you have an elonian will this work, you can't get the quest item if you aren't elonian. You can't do it as an elonian and trade it to the tyrian (via storage) to get the quest. You have to do everything as an elonian then transfer the giant around as you can any normal minipet.
It's not hard, but it is confusing and not what people expected to happen based on instructions in the magazine. This leads people to believe that the option isn't even working right if they brought an existing character in.
Gaile Gray
Here's some clarification and some additional information:
Hope this helps!
Here's some clarification and some additional information:
- You can type /bonusitems in Chabek Village (at the start of the game) to acquire the broken toy that enables you to go on the quest. (Sorry, I didn't make it clear that you go on the quest with the toy, or that you use the toy to go on the quest, or...
. It's been a long couple of days!
- You don't need to be in Kamadan to use the /bonusitems command, actually; we just tested it.
- If you delete the item for the quest, I'm not sure if you will be able to get it back. We will definitely look into that. I don't think that you can, though, because that would allow people to get multiple Gray Giants, and as I understand it, it's one per account. (Isn't that what you understood from the PCGamer details?)
- Lastly, right now, you can only acquire the Broken Toy with an Elonian character. That is not intended! We will make it so that you can complete the quest with a character from Tyria, Cantha, or Elona, as you prefer.
Hope this helps!
If you delete the item for the quest, I'm not sure if you will be able to get it back. We will definitely look into that. I don't think that you can, though, because that would allow people to get multiple Gray Giants, and as I understand it, it's one per account. (Isn't that what you understood from the PCGamer details?) |
yes, very reasonable, thanks for the clarification

It appeared during the preview event but now i getnothing as well
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by KiRi
![]() It appeared during the preview event but now i getnothing as well |
What exactly are you doing to acquire the pet?
I have entered the nightfall, Bonus and PC gamer codes.
I typed in /bonusitems and recieved everything including weapons but when i logged back on it wasnt there anymore.
and now when i enter it, only the weapons appear.
I typed in /bonusitems and recieved everything including weapons but when i logged back on it wasnt there anymore.
and now when i enter it, only the weapons appear.
Puddin Cheeks
He is suffering from the same thing i did.
Made a trial character to test only, In Elona
Deleted that character with the toy in inventory
Now it won't appear anymore because it is gone forever.
If there is a way to get it back I would be grateful.
Made a trial character to test only, In Elona
Deleted that character with the toy in inventory
Now it won't appear anymore because it is gone forever.
If there is a way to get it back I would be grateful.
Sheriff Bullock
It didn't occur to me at the time the Broken Toy would be gone forever, because /bonusitems always reappear when you type the command; It was a quest item and usually you can't destroy those (abandon the quest and you'll get it back in your inventory); And, I wasn't ready for the quest yet because the magazine said I had to be in Kamadan and I wasn't there, so when I typed /bonusitems I just wanted my Fiery Sunspear. I do remember seeing the Broken Toy but it just didn't click for me. (There isn't even storage in Chuhbek Village to put it in--is there?)
If the game knows you've already received your Broken Toy and won't give you another, can't it be changed to give you another until the actual quest is finished on one character. It's one thing to delete a mini pet and not expect a replacement, but a quest item should be replaceable until the quest is done. Yeah, totally my fault. I wasn't paying attention. But I hope the developers look into the situation and at least fix it so this doesn't happen to someone else.
If the game knows you've already received your Broken Toy and won't give you another, can't it be changed to give you another until the actual quest is finished on one character. It's one thing to delete a mini pet and not expect a replacement, but a quest item should be replaceable until the quest is done. Yeah, totally my fault. I wasn't paying attention. But I hope the developers look into the situation and at least fix it so this doesn't happen to someone else.
Thanks Gaile for understanding the problem with characters from whichever campaign being able to do this.
I hope those who accidently deleted their broken toys aren't up creek as that aspect was slightly unclear, but suspect it will be hard for Anet to verify if you ever really did this because of the potential to exploit for multiple giants.
I hope those who accidently deleted their broken toys aren't up creek as that aspect was slightly unclear, but suspect it will be hard for Anet to verify if you ever really did this because of the potential to exploit for multiple giants.
im in the same boat as said before my broken toy was on my char when i was logged on, i logged off and the next day it was gone, i was really looking forward to having the grey giant, and had no inent on selling it i collect minipets... it would be great if this were fixed. It seems many people have genuinely lost the toy, i was in kamadan and heard alot of people talking about it as well.
Kais Unduli
All the above are reasons I waited until now to use my code from PC Gamer. The magazine made it clear we wouldn't be keeping the minipet during the preview event, which is why I held off.
That being said, I hope everyone who has a problem gets it sorted out. But if you deleted the broken toy already, I'm assuming it won't be retrievable.
That being said, I hope everyone who has a problem gets it sorted out. But if you deleted the broken toy already, I'm assuming it won't be retrievable.
nirhan shadowmauler
deleted my post because apparently the preorder command also loads all bonus items.
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
putting in the code again doesn't work if the code is already in use, and no my cd key wont work either, put it in, recognizes its the pcgamer grey giant, but /bonusitems never works and i never have a quest from the mahk guy while in kamadan
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
it wont work on my dervish either, i just tryd
Sheriff Bullock
just a question but why didnt you use /preorder to get your items like any sane person that doesnt want to accidentally delete bonus items on the wrong char? |
(Don't be a flamer.)
Vahn Roi
It takes like 10 minutes to create an elonian char and do this quest.
What are you crying about?
What are you crying about?
Neo Nugget
I just got mine.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]If you delete the item for the quest, I'm not sure if you will be able to get it back. We will definitely look into that. I don't think that you can, though, because that would allow people to get multiple Gray Giants, and as I understand it, it's one per account. (Isn't that what you understood from the PCGamer details?)