Why do tyrian/canthan char have to start from the beginning?
this low lvl stuff is boring...
I agree =/
EDIT: You don't have to do much low lvl stuff though.
EDIT: You don't have to do much low lvl stuff though.
anyone know where Kormir is for the 'Battle preparations' primary quest? Says she should be in Kamaden but arrow points you onto the plains then no location once you leave town. Also can Tyrian/Canthans get koss?
I got the same problem! Cant find Kormir ><
Two April Mornings
He's right outside town...
Anyways, starting in this low lvl is prty boring, but heh, scenery is something else.
Anyways, starting in this low lvl is prty boring, but heh, scenery is something else.
Starting at this low level means that advancing will be a breeze.
High AL and a full set of skills would kinda guarantee it to be very easy.
High AL and a full set of skills would kinda guarantee it to be very easy.
Originally Posted by Pkest
Also can Tyrian/Canthans get koss?
ah, just went on, after a few quests you get forwarded to the last mission of the island, just hit the mainland.
hmmm no kormir for me outside town. Tried abandoning and retaking the quest but I can't even get it back now.
Safer Saviour
If you have the Tyrian/Canthan hero already, then I'm told the Battle Prep. quest won't work...
Tetris L
A level 20 will cut through the low-level stuff like a hot knife through butter. You'll be done with it in ... what? ... like .... 1 or 2 hrs or so? It's not like you're spending ages with this.
Originally Posted by Tetris L
A level 20 will cut through the low-level stuff like a hot knife through butter. You'll be done with it in ... what? ... like .... 1 or 2 hrs or so? It's not like you're spending ages with this.
You're probably supposed to get the sunspear ranks you need to progress in the story later on.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Celeborn
It takes like 10 minutes...