Ive never done this so am checking
I have a friend who is not on American servers.
All of my characters are on American servers.
Can we meet in Internationall districts to goup and trade items?
I assume we can but just checking
thanks for any replies
If American and Euro characters meet it International dists we can trade, right?
Tetris L
It's very common, for example if people from different servers make a deal via the GWGuru auction system.
It's very common, for example if people from different servers make a deal via the GWGuru auction system.
thank you

No offense, but these are the kind of questions that you should just try out and see for yourself ingame.
Originally Posted by [riVen]
No offense, but these are the kind of questions that you should just try out and see for yourself ingame.
Why would you bother to wast my time and yours with a reply like that?
I asked a question in the appropriate area and someone was kind enough to reply. You have no idea why the question was asked.
You really have no need to comment at all, its none of your business
yeah, I agree with bokken, that's a valid question.
On topic, Chinese Bot farmers usually sell in Droks and LA international districts.
On topic, Chinese Bot farmers usually sell in Droks and LA international districts.
Father Anansi
Originally Posted by [riVen]
No offense, but these are the kind of questions that you should just try out and see for yourself ingame.
Hope you are enjoying the game, and mind the forum trolls. Excellent response to the above post by the way.
He was trying not to be rude at least, its not trolling just a prompt to get you to just try stuff before posting a new thread. Yes it's the appropriate forum and a 'legal' question, but youd've saved time by just going to ID and trading with someone was his point (I'd like to believe). It was a well phrased response on the OP's part.
I agree with riven anyway, asking questions that are EASY to find out is annoying.
Originally Posted by Aun
I agree with riven anyway, asking questions that are EASY to find out is annoying.