Nightfall Prima Guide Cancelled?
Hand of Shiva
Well I went into my local gamestop today and there was no guide waiting for me. It was indeed an attempt by my local gamestop manager to mug me of another 60 bucks by purchasing a 360 game. Is there no honor among gamers these days yeesh.
Anyway, like it or hate the guide, the thread isn't about how crappy the content was, or if you like wiki better or if picking your nose helps you divine the correct path through a mission. The thread was about whether or not the Guide is being produced at all. So all of you who have nothing constructive to say other then the Guide sucks go see wiki or somewhere there abouts go post it in another thread.
Anyway, like it or hate the guide, the thread isn't about how crappy the content was, or if you like wiki better or if picking your nose helps you divine the correct path through a mission. The thread was about whether or not the Guide is being produced at all. So all of you who have nothing constructive to say other then the Guide sucks go see wiki or somewhere there abouts go post it in another thread.
With Nightfall, this is one of the few times i actually would like to get a guidebook for a game...oh well more power to wiki.
Kern Wolf
I don't think we'll ever get a straight answer about this from anybody. if you go into a store, the best they tell you is, "it's not in our system", then they tell you how guides are normally released in regards to the game release--they'll tell you about 2 weeks after the game. Hmmmm...I dont EVER recall that being the case for Madden or NBA Live.
I had one store tell me they sold out, and that they normally get only about 5 guides a shipment. You know how badly I wanted to call this guy a liar?...(lol).
Prima isnt saying anything....ANET/NCSOFT isn't saying anything...I kind of get the feeling that they wish the issue would simply disappear...
I also find it funny...before I posted this, SOMEONE from ANET was logged soon as I saved this, they left...
I had one store tell me they sold out, and that they normally get only about 5 guides a shipment. You know how badly I wanted to call this guy a liar?...(lol).
Prima isnt saying anything....ANET/NCSOFT isn't saying anything...I kind of get the feeling that they wish the issue would simply disappear...
I also find it funny...before I posted this, SOMEONE from ANET was logged soon as I saved this, they left...
Okay, I know that the game gets updated so often that it makes it hard to use, but I liked the Guide because I could find out what the skills were. As is, GuildWarsGuru and GameAmp do NOT have the new Elite Skill Listings for any of the characters and I am not even sure what new Elites are worth Caping. Anyone have a web site to check out that would have this information?
PRIMA guys aren't that useful. They aren't updated. You should try using GuildWiki instead.
Kern Wolf
Curiosity finally got the better of me (that, and not being able to get an answer about the lack of a Prima guide for Nightfall). I called Prima about the availability of the Nightfall Guide, and was told that the guide was cancelled on October 2, by either the author or the gaming company. I wasn't given an answer why some sites still carry the guide as "being available", or taking 4-6 weeks to ship.
Why ANET or NCSOFT couldn't tell us this from the beginning, well, we'll never know.
Why ANET or NCSOFT couldn't tell us this from the beginning, well, we'll never know.
Dougal Kronik
Gaile, answer us why there will be no guide for Nightfall.
I'll take a guess as to why the guide was cancelled/delayed (note this is speculation):
Nightfall as was originally supposed to have more than was released on 10/27. For some reason the Elite mission and probably other things were not working or it was decided to delay launch of those parts of Nightfall.
You can't very well have a guide out there that details parts of the game that just doesn't exist currently and will not exist for a couple of months. This isn't a matter of a skill that was changed or an npc that isn't there, obviously large enough sections of the guide were so inaccurate that they couldn't release the guide until those parts of Nightfall are in the game.
If I were looking for the Guide, I would expect it to hit the shelves just before the Christmas Update Gaile hints at in another post.
Disclaimer: this is a guess, an educated guess maybe, but take it with a grain of salt.
Nightfall as was originally supposed to have more than was released on 10/27. For some reason the Elite mission and probably other things were not working or it was decided to delay launch of those parts of Nightfall.
You can't very well have a guide out there that details parts of the game that just doesn't exist currently and will not exist for a couple of months. This isn't a matter of a skill that was changed or an npc that isn't there, obviously large enough sections of the guide were so inaccurate that they couldn't release the guide until those parts of Nightfall are in the game.
If I were looking for the Guide, I would expect it to hit the shelves just before the Christmas Update Gaile hints at in another post.
Disclaimer: this is a guess, an educated guess maybe, but take it with a grain of salt.
Dougal Kronik
Is there a possibility of a guide when the update with the Elite missions is released?
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
Gaile, answer us why there will be no guide for Nightfall.
Quote: I'm really sorry to share this news, but there will be no official strategy guide for Nightfall. In all honesty, with the tight development schedule, the game was frequently changing even just prior to release. We did not want to see the release of a guide that was incomplete or inaccurate. And waiting until release and then writing a guide seemed like a less-than-optimal option. So, we made the difficult decision to cancel the guide. However, we do appreciate that players enjoy a strategy guide, and yes, not only for the strategies. (I'm a map lover, myself and am very pleased that I got one in my Nightfall box!) I'd like to mention that we are in the early stages of discussing other rather similar projects, but it would be premature to talk about that quite yet. We'll let you know when things get a little past the preliminaries. |
Dougal Kronik
Loviatar, I read it after I posted - no need to yell.
Thanks for understanding.
Thanks for understanding.
Sir Skullcrasher
Do we really need a guide for this game? I mean half the information will be posted on Guru or other fan sites around the world. Not to mention Guildwiki will have them too.
Kern Wolf
Have you tried to get to guildwiki tonight? I have, and I can't....
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
Do we really need a guide for this game? I mean half the information will be posted on Guru or other fan sites around the world. Not to mention Guildwiki will have them too.
But I can easily cart around my guide - full of it's inaccuracies - and enjoy reading about the Guild Wars campaigns, all except Nightfall.

Use your printer.
wiki has positively been sucking ever since NF.
I'll (arcane) echo what SirErnie said: why buy a guide that you KNOW will be outdated at the next update, and seriously full of errors after the 5th update? Why buy it when Anerf has said many times that they will be adding more content in the future (elite missions, Razah, etc)?
I'll (arcane) echo what SirErnie said: why buy a guide that you KNOW will be outdated at the next update, and seriously full of errors after the 5th update? Why buy it when Anerf has said many times that they will be adding more content in the future (elite missions, Razah, etc)?
Kern Wolf
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
wiki has positively been sucking ever since NF.
I'll (arcane) echo what SirErnie said: why buy a guide that you KNOW will be outdated at the next update, and seriously full of errors after the 5th update? Why buy it when Anerf has said many times that they will be adding more content in the future (elite missions, Razah, etc)? |
When I saw that the updates would change what was in my Prophecies Guide, I'd make my own notes in my guide, whether it involved a skill change, or some new boss location on a map. It was definitely how I enjoyed doing a lot of FOW missions early on. I did the same thing with my Factions Guide. It was part of the fun for me--not to mention I could refer to that material whenever and wherever I felt like it. Nice to be in a mission area with henches, or even when I was farming, and be able to do a quick reference to a note in my Guide, rather than have to stop, bring up my web browser, HOPE that the web page loads, then go searching for information.
No more of that now, I guess...
Prima Guide and Slow Wiki aside,
2 resources Ive been using to lookup stuff
for collector rewards
(has a FAST search engine for skills too - if you use Advanced Seach)
GWOnline thread with a decent NF Elite Skill list and locations
(on the last page of the thread)
2 resources Ive been using to lookup stuff
for collector rewards
(has a FAST search engine for skills too - if you use Advanced Seach)
GWOnline thread with a decent NF Elite Skill list and locations
(on the last page of the thread)