ok,i have the quest Hunting! which u get in Yohlon Haven and the last part of it says that i have to clean the area and establish a Sunspear post...
i clear the whole map and there is still no quest update,can any1 help?
Problem with quest-->Hunted!
That quest worked fine for me, so it probably is a bug (one of many)...
My bugs today:
* I had a problem with "The Great Escape" (one quest later). I had to kill some "boss" but he was inside a building with 2 doors that stayed closed. It took me at least 30 minutes before i was able to enter that building. And i still have no clue how i did it (door was open all of a sudden).
* I also had a problem with the 2nd mission on the mainland. I had to go up some stairs but as soon i was on top of it the game warped me back at the bottom of the stairs. My connection was good (i use the -perf switch) but this kept happening for at least 10 minutes. Then all of a sudden i could continue (thanks to this i only got "standard" reward).
Welcome to bugwars
My bugs today:
* I had a problem with "The Great Escape" (one quest later). I had to kill some "boss" but he was inside a building with 2 doors that stayed closed. It took me at least 30 minutes before i was able to enter that building. And i still have no clue how i did it (door was open all of a sudden).
* I also had a problem with the 2nd mission on the mainland. I had to go up some stairs but as soon i was on top of it the game warped me back at the bottom of the stairs. My connection was good (i use the -perf switch) but this kept happening for at least 10 minutes. Then all of a sudden i could continue (thanks to this i only got "standard" reward).
Welcome to bugwars

there are gonna be bugs with a new release they'll gettem worked out be patient