Planatery Improvment/upgrade for storage



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2006




ok,I want to say that i have put some thought into this and i dont want to remove storage frome every town.

we need barracks= a place that your char lives when not in a town/ should be account based/upgradedable/in or near the guild hall.

barraks should be a guild leader/officer/and member based reflect in astetics only.your personal barraks should be per char class ie. the more different chars ya have the more your options for the "look" would be.with a way to send a small mailing to each individual(i love my guild leader but we are seldom on at the same time) a way to openly communicate would be great(like a mini e-mail)this feature is only for guild cannot send a mail to a freind unless they are in my should also be a place where i can hold a totally private conversation with guildies that i invite to my barraks then when i leave they are kicked to the hall.i should have access to the mail/barrak storage/guild bank.

barrak storage-i should be able to have a place to store weapons/dyes/armor/money/special event items/runes/ect.(basically everything) that my char can get in game(these may have to be upgrades).
with the purchace of addition space from barraks master(in gold)

guild bank-the guild bank is just that. a way to keep guild funds seperate from personal.where as anyone may donate gold to the pool but only officers/guild leader may withdraw funds.donations and withdrawls are logged who/when/how much.

storage agents,besides giving you a lil "traveling storage" can link you to guild bank,as well as personal.

this can also be a way to link to the action house we were promised sooooo long ago