Downloading...lots of it...and not just Updates??!!

Sol Faithman

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005



I installed both GW and Factions last night on a brand new computer, both from original disks. When I first logged in I got lots of downloads and updates, so left it on the character select screen for about an hour until the little lightening bolt had disappeared.

When I went into a char, GW started to download load of stuff before my char appeared in LA. I warped to a different town and again got loads of downloads. This happened in every town I went to, with each warp taking upwards of 2-3 minutes. When I tried to go out of town, same again. I gave in after about 3 hours of this.

So, this a.m., I fired GW up and left it on the char select screen, and GW started downloading again. 700mb later, it finished, so I switched off and went to work.

Got home tonight, new Nightfall box in hand, installed it from the disk, logged in.......MORE DOWNLOADING!!!

Eventually go to do the quest to take a Tyrian char from LA to Elona and it took nearly 15 minutes for the Nightfall opening cutscene to load!!

Anyone got any idea what is going on? Why do I appear to have to download the client bit by bit everytime I warp from one place to another when I've supposedly done it from disk?





Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Use the -image switch!