I created a monster....



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


I initially set Koss up with a 3 combo adren axe build. It was nice to see him wait for the first skill to charge, even though the other 2 where charged at the time, and then using the combo correctly.

At the moment I’m enjoying this quartet:

Fire Ele (me)
Fire Ele (Hero)
MM (Hero)
Monk (Hero)

If it were not for the guild I would not have spoken to a single soul in NF so far

At least the Hero’s do not ask me ‘what’s u build noob, STFU’



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Bender's Corner


Originally Posted by Lordhelmos
Yeah im having a ton of fun abusing the heros. The AI for heros is remarkably smart. I gave Sousuke ward against melee in addition to his interrupts and he drops it when the backline is endangered. Try this build with him:

~Psychic Frustration~

Leech Signet
Power Drain
Psychic Distraction <E>
Cry of Frustration
Ward Against Melee
Drain Enchant
Ether Feast

9 Domination
15 Energy Storage
9 Earth
9 Inspiration

+3 attunement runes, +1 superior rune of Estorage

-1 +15 E weapon and +12 offhand.

Sousuke infinitely interrupts everything and uses leech and Pdrain in order to maintain his E. I mean no 2 second spell will ever be cast, its downright insane. When underfire he throw up the ward to protect the healers and himself. Seriously, he makes Erys Vasburg cry with this setup.

How can you not love nightfall?

Hmm...where can i get the skill trainer for :

Power Drain
Psychic Distraction <E>
Cry of Frustration
Drain Enchant

i've been searching wikis ==> http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Hero_sk...iner_locations

but i still cant find them on the list..please need help...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Durik Lakmor
I don't seem to have enough points to do this with the 200 attributes I am only able ot have 9/15/9/3 It should be possible to go 11+3+1=15, 8+1=9, 9, 8. I'm not sure how he got the attributes that way without more than a superior rune.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


Heros have made PvE fun again.

But yeah imo they mean the end of most pugs
The only mission I have taken other players on so far in nightfall was gates of madness, and that was because my hench weren't aggroing properly (the hero control system meant they were behaving nicely thank you.)

I love the AI on the heros, you can equip them with a build that works and watch them exploit it in a way that puts many players to shame.

It also gives you insight into how effective builds are for classes which you wouldnt usually play. Heros FTW


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Children of the Abyss

hard to seperate fact from fiction in this thread.

I tried a few of these ideas and some worked, others didn't. I'm not overly impressed about the hero AI so far. Seems like I still have to micro manage them most of the time to keep them effective in just about any build.

This is especially true of the monks which is annoying. a hench healer does a better job than any hero monk set up I've tried so far.

they do make decent minonmasters since its a pretty easy build without many tough decisions. But minion bombing? please. I tried it and im sorry, they don't 'know how' to minion bomb. there might be a way to make them target a minion for a death nova but they sure dont do it on their own.

To keep this thread useful I sugest resisting the urge to post just to post or post something you 'think' might work but haven't bothered to test. Also if you do find something particularly effective and want to share it, please put the order of the skills in the skillbar, and AI setting (attack guard, passive) since this greatly affects the decision making of the AI.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


Give a hero an interupt, GG...... no chance against their frustrating and unrealistic timing



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I'm anxious to try out a N/Me hero with Psychic Distraction as the only skill and a 14 Soul Reaping to fuel it. Seems like it'll be unfair.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Originally Posted by SpeedyKQ
I'm anxious to try out a N/Me hero with Psychic Distraction as the only skill and a 14 Soul Reaping to fuel it. Seems like it'll be unfair. [skill]Channeling[/skill] is good for maintaining PD, on any caster with the right positioning



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Gold Coast, Australia

Australian Syndicate of Dark Forces


I play with a D/R. Anyway, I specifically made my Canthan A/Mo into a A/N and went and capped "Animate Flesh Golem" for my a/c and gave it to Olias in NF as the first skill in his skill bar... This has pros and cons:
Con: when there is an exploitable corpse available, he will animate a new fleshie, even if he has one already...
Pro: making a new fleshie solves the health degen-snowball-effect...!!!

I made Jin a R/Me and gave her 2 R interrupts and 2 Me interrupts, plus "Pin Down" and "Conjure Phantasm". She's a one-woman monster killing machine! She shuts down casters in milli-seconds (I have seen an enemy's skill get interrupted like 2% along...) then she pins them down and drains their health... along with Olias's minions beating them to death, I can get through swarms of creatures faster than ever before in Tyria or Cantha...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Bender's Corner


i couldnt imagine that i could breeze through with ease, the last 5 missions in prophecies with my warr/monk/ele+henchies ( no more waiting pugs and pugs leavers and no more lf monk to go )...the last mission..i will try to attempt it tonight ....all the mursaats/jades/drakes/hydras/shadows/avicavas are no match with thier might...lets see how they face burning titan tonight....

I did some testing by attacking through the armies of imps,roughly about 20-25 imps+other mobs infront of the ids cave and die after 3 mins attacking...then the 2nd time i revisited the imps with 15% dp...they all die under 5 mins

Did anyone ever try mm necro/ smiter monk/ ele interruptor combination?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Try Koss as a KD war using Hammer. Combine it with that Stoneskin upgrade and you got yourself 3 seconds of KD. Devastating, Counter Blow, and Crushing Blow works great. I added Shock for fun since I didn't know what else to give him. KD are great against magic casters.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by unholy_VI
hard to seperate fact from fiction in this thread.

I tried a few of these ideas and some worked, others didn't. I'm not overly impressed about the hero AI so far. Seems like I still have to micro manage them most of the time to keep them effective in just about any build.

This is especially true of the monks which is annoying. a hench healer does a better job than any hero monk set up I've tried so far.

they do make decent minonmasters since its a pretty easy build without many tough decisions. But minion bombing? please. I tried it and im sorry, they don't 'know how' to minion bomb. there might be a way to make them target a minion for a death nova but they sure dont do it on their own.

To keep this thread useful I sugest resisting the urge to post just to post or post something you 'think' might work but haven't bothered to test. Also if you do find something particularly effective and want to share it, please put the order of the skills in the skillbar, and AI setting (attack guard, passive) since this greatly affects the decision making of the AI. I had trouble trying to get Olias to use Death Nova and Putrid Flesh. But it didn't turn out great. I just end up letting him using that Putrid Explosion spell instead, he's better using that than Death Nova. Running Tainted Flesh and minions works great for melee foes but that's about it. Keeping up with Tainted drains his energy though. Well of Suffering isn't so bad either.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

I've noticed that Olias actually does use Death Nova somewhat well. He basically throws it on during battle when someone has < 50% hp, so it usually goes off quite a bit when the minions start dying.

Silk Weaver

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Hong Kong

Romantically Lethal [RoLe]


I have found that heroes make very good use of br (blood ritual).
If i use 2 monk heroes i make them both mo/n and put 2-3 points in blood, they will keep each others energy at 7 pips pretty much constantly.

That's bs, simply because there's no energy gain without an enchanting mod, and with enchanting mod you only gain 1 energy.

Yes, you guys are hyping it. I like how heros time Bull's Strike, Protector's Strike, and interrupts well though, that I like. They simply don't know how to use dev signet though. They don't use energy management skills UNTIL THEY NEED IT, watch them use attunements AFTER the MS.

Made In Ascalon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006



Hero AI is so freaking awesome.
When I couldn't beat Varesh with PUGs, I took on 3 heroes (master of whispers with spoil victor, koss with a sword and interruption skills that worked way too well, and the paragon. Required.) and 4 henchmen. I'm trying to beat the Madness mission with heros too, but I don't know the map layout yet. I have a guildie who managed to do it when PUG groups failed miserably.

Just for fun: get Jin, Koss, and Melonni, have each of them capture a pet and cap one for yourself. Hurray for hero pet teams

Angel Netherborn

Angel Netherborn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Lower Ward, Sigil

Goda Vos

Originally Posted by LumpOfCole
I made Olias an MM too, and for kicks I went MMing... I couldn't exploit corpses fast enough, Olias was too quick. If you're really actually losing to Olias on animating minions, then you need a lot more training playing an MM. When I run dual MMs, Olias doesn't get to animate unless I let him have the corpse or when there's more than 1 available.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

United Kingdom



Where do i find the mesmer hero?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006



Make Koss a W/N give him Sever artery, Gash, Virulence,Final thrust, and Death nova if your with olias.

He uses it to perfection, degen is fun

Obey The Cat

Obey The Cat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2007



why bring up this thread which is as old as your grandpa? :P

@Necromankas: The quest where you have to chose between goren (warrior) and norgu (mesmer)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by Silk Weaver
I have found that heroes make very good use of br (blood ritual).
If i use 2 monk heroes i make them both mo/n and put 2-3 points in blood, they will keep each others energy at 7 pips pretty much constantly.

That's bs, simply because there's no energy gain without an enchanting mod, and with enchanting mod you only gain 1 energy.

Yes, you guys are hyping it. I like how heros time Bull's Strike, Protector's Strike, and interrupts well though, that I like. They simply don't know how to use dev signet though. They don't use energy management skills UNTIL THEY NEED IT, watch them use attunements AFTER the MS. What are you on? No wonder your heroes don't do what you want with an attitude like that