i have guildwars since prophecies and this issue just started today... (i think nightfall could have caused it)
when i play guildwars, and sudenly in a mission, a cinematic would start (sometimes, not always), or when i walk around and i run in a city (or another area... just changing zones) it could happen that my screen goes black, exactly the same way when you put your pc in standby...
after about 10 sec i can hear 1 last stutter in the sound before the sound dies too...
and then my pc is braindead. only 1 option left, pull the plug
lucky its no real life, cus i can just easily put the plug back in and restart my pc
(ok that last scentence was a joke, i do not actually pull the plug, just turn it of or reset it right away of course)
now, it only started today with nightfall, and it always happens when changing zones, or when in a cinematic.
till now didnt find any related topics
as mutch as i hope nobody suffers from this, i do hope others have it as well, but only for the sake of knowing its not exactly my fault but guild wars its fault

hope someone knows more....
amd sempron 3000+
ati radeon 9800
2x512 ram
win xp service pack 2