Name Reservation
How long after character deletion do names remain reserved? I heard they stay reserved for that account for an hour, can anyone confirm?
Whispering Siren
Yes, it's still your name for 60 minutes after deletion.
I don't think so...cause when I made my ritualist way back during the factions preview, his name was Ritual something, can't remember anymore. I didn't delete the character until Factions came out. I didn't like the way he looked, so I wanted to remake him. When I tried to name him, what happened? The name was no longer available. I waited a few minutes and even restarted Gdub to see if I had to let it run through the system. Someone took it.
Knightsaber Sith
I would have to guess you were either miss-spelling it from what it originally was; or you spent over an hour remaking it
Anarion Silverhand
To my knowledge, your name stays reserved untill at least 1 hour after deletion.
Sophitia Leafblade
Well when i deleted my Beta event chars in the past i have been able to create them asap on my normal account when the full version come out even if i deleted them from the beta account just seconds before remaking them on the norm account