Total Attributes



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia

Hey, I was wondering, what's the total amount of attribute points that you can get in the game once you hit level 20 and finish the two quests for the points? And how many attribute areas do people usually divide them into? I'll be trying to put points into Death magic, soul reaping and either curses or healing prayers.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by Sowaka
Hey, I was wondering, what's the total amount of attribute points that you can get in the game once you hit level 20 and finish the two quests for the points? And how many attribute areas do people usually divide them into? I'll be trying to put points into Death magic, soul reaping and either curses or healing prayers.
200 is the final amount...

You should be able to spread them out fairly between 2-3 attributes... 4 is doable to i guess but anymore is overkill.