If this idea is no good then ....
2. Hero inventory. We know heroes and henchies take a share of the gold and loot, so why not enable us to see inventory on heroes, at least. We could sell the hero's loot at the merchant but the money made would stay on the hero and used to buy runes and weapons for the hero. The items (say, if a green dropped for the hero) could be equipped only on that hero. Could help save quite a bit of the money we'll be shelling out for runes and such.
3. Make Sunspear Rank account wide after beating the game once. The grind to make Sunspear ranks would be very tedious after first few characters going through Nightfall. It's already tedious to do once. After one character beats the game it would be nice for Sunspear Rank to be shifted account wide so other characters can avoid the grind.
That's all for now... I'd also love for more quests with skill rewards to be added, but it's probably too late for that.