Is this intentional or a bug? Divine aura worked before the update. If it's by design, I'll certainly live with it because the new effects are way cool, but I'd just like to get it out there...
Also, if you /dance first, then /dancenew, you only get the original dance. Also, if you are currently doing a /dancenew, if you /dance, the disco ball stays and the other effects trigger, but you continue to do the original dance. Finally, if you are in a /dancenew, and you type /dancenew again (or /dancenew * if you're trying to sync), it reverts to the old dance, again, with the new effects triggering out of sync.
This has to be a bug, right?
CE Dances are awesome, but Divine Aura doesn't stack.

Knightsaber Sith
Well the disco ball dance has it's own little sparklies and the paragon has confetti; if the divine aura was also displayed at the same time it might kinda ruin the effect.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Well the disco ball dance has it's own little sparklies and the paragon has confetti; if the divine aura was also displayed at the same time it might kinda ruin the effect.
in paragon dance, yes little bit overeffected
Das Hip
Yeah, I kinda liked the dances just plain, as in, before the update.. lol.. I think the whole balls and flashing lights junk looks kinda that... junky.. ahh well :P
I noticed it too - I was irritated that I no longer had a dance without the disco ball (I typed /dance after a /dancenew to change dances for the first time). If I want to sync with another group I thought it could be irritating - it would be random who had the disco ball. I later realized that switching from /dancenew to /dance with nothing in between was the cause and I no longer cared.
I would say bug - but I would also guess so low on their list as to make it almost never fixed. Unless it is a *really* easy one I would question putting someone to work on it (if it is simply a few lines of code before the next testing cycle, then yea go ahead). Time is most likely spent better elsewhere.
I would say bug - but I would also guess so low on their list as to make it almost never fixed. Unless it is a *really* easy one I would question putting someone to work on it (if it is simply a few lines of code before the next testing cycle, then yea go ahead). Time is most likely spent better elsewhere.
many of us discussed the divine aura on future chapters' characters prior to release, and I was one of the ones that didn't ever want divine aura to go away on a new character from any chapter. however, another point I put out was that was that it really came down to a CE owner being able to display in some form or fashion that his character was created via a CE key. The backup dances and sparklies do that for the new classes. assuming that your 6 core class characters were chapter 1 characters then that is satisfied since the dervish/assassin/etc can demonstrate they are CE characters (for our vanity). I don't mind not having divine aura on their special dances because I can just stop and do the regular dance for that :-)
there is obviously a problem if you create a core class character in a Factions/Nightfall CE.. You don't have any way to show it off..
I'm ok with the divine aura being on the regular dance and not on the special dance... that's just me though. the best solution would be for each set of classes created in a campaign to have some unique identifier, even if its a core class created in Nightfall... that way they could leave the divine aura to just core classes created in the first chapter.
there is obviously a problem if you create a core class character in a Factions/Nightfall CE.. You don't have any way to show it off..
I'm ok with the divine aura being on the regular dance and not on the special dance... that's just me though. the best solution would be for each set of classes created in a campaign to have some unique identifier, even if its a core class created in Nightfall... that way they could leave the divine aura to just core classes created in the first chapter.
I liked how you could dancenew in factions, no divine effects, but then again, do dance then dancenew to stack.
Needs to be the same in Nightfall, another for the fix pot.
Needs to be the same in Nightfall, another for the fix pot.