I brang my warrior from proph/factions over, im curious when Ill be able to grind my face off trying to get rank 99999919191 sunspear.
So i ask anyone and everyone, after what quest, or outside what city can i do so?
Sunspear Ranks
Thorondor Port
Well, If you reach Sunspear Castellan, which is rank eight, the priests and scouts don't offer points anymore. So, I'm also curious as to how one would get the max ranking.
:: puts on flame shield:: This topic is a dead horse. Right now there is no possible way of reaching rank 9 outside of cheating the system. According to Gaile there will be a way introduced soon.
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
:: puts on flame shield:: This topic is a dead horse. Right now there is no possible way of reaching rank 9 outside of cheating the system. According to Gaile there will be a way introduced soon.
Originally Posted by leprekan
Anet version of soon ... sometime before the return of Christ.
Considering how Anet was against grinding of anykind when they started GW i dont see why did they introduce this pointless rank grinding!! especialy if u start the character in NF
If at least there would be some good use of this ranks its just a stupid waste of time.

Drop of Fear
plenty of spearmarshal ingame... i have 2 myself. just need some patiente
Rockby Quickfoot
Personally, I can't wait to see this new way they're coming out with. The other way I heard about is just way too boring.
And really, you don't need to grind at all to get it. At least, I didn't. I just got the bonuses from priests while I explored the world and mapped things out and I had Sunspear Castellan by the time I got into Vabbi.
And really, you don't need to grind at all to get it. At least, I didn't. I just got the bonuses from priests while I explored the world and mapped things out and I had Sunspear Castellan by the time I got into Vabbi.
The need to grind honestly perplexes me. There's better games for those that need to grind.
If anything, grind the Lightbringer title. At least you get some benefit from it.
If anything, grind the Lightbringer title. At least you get some benefit from it.
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
plenty of spearmarshal ingame... i have 2 myself. just need some patiente