I practically deleted my porn folder after deciding to attempt to get an energy rune off of a low level salvagable (since I don't need mats or anything) and a small window comes up asking me what I want to try for! Flipped out, that was the one major thing I've wanted since the start of the game besides even a single click command for henchmen (wish it applied to tag along characters).
Then, lo' and behold, I've got the rune and the piece is still there. No way, I salvage again, now the remaining two parts are there, well not wanting the necro rune I just salvaged crafting materials.
A question though, besides the fact that it really does not matter since I hated destroying items to get a perfect adrenaline or mastery only to get steel, like three, can you salvage both upgrades and then materials? As I said, I went right to materials because I didn't want to waste them for the 50% chance of the necro rune I wouldn't use. I am assuming so, just checking for now since I am logging off.
And wanted to ask, is anyone else as glad that ArenaNet does not break the game with each new expansion and continues to add on a lot of useful features and more content? I mean there is not much that is screwed up or otherwise bad, most of the content is quite good. And while I, as many, don't care much for Factions, they somehow keep adding to the game and never require a ramp up, yet it stays interesting and fresh.
Finally Salvage Screens!
Batou of Nine
To give you a simple answer to your salvage question...
Every time you salvage from an item, there is an inherent 50% chance that the item itself will be destroyed. That said, this means your first salvage choice is pretty much guaranteed, with each chance after that being governed by the "50% chance of being destroyed" rule.
Your two mod salvage from one item is a luck chance; simply a flip of the coin and you came out a winner! I like the new salvage system. Not only can we now salvage that primo mod without worry, but we have a chance to get even MORE mods off that SAME item! Great!!
I think overall this will also be VERY healthy for Guild Wars commerce. With mods being WAY easy to get, market prices will come down a good amount. The most sought after mods will most likely remain high compared to other mods, but ALL mods WILL somewhat drop in price.
This will help promote the new player base by helping them get the things they want/need in a much easier manner and allow them to get involved in the GW market, unlike before Nightfall.
I love it!
Every time you salvage from an item, there is an inherent 50% chance that the item itself will be destroyed. That said, this means your first salvage choice is pretty much guaranteed, with each chance after that being governed by the "50% chance of being destroyed" rule.
Your two mod salvage from one item is a luck chance; simply a flip of the coin and you came out a winner! I like the new salvage system. Not only can we now salvage that primo mod without worry, but we have a chance to get even MORE mods off that SAME item! Great!!
I think overall this will also be VERY healthy for Guild Wars commerce. With mods being WAY easy to get, market prices will come down a good amount. The most sought after mods will most likely remain high compared to other mods, but ALL mods WILL somewhat drop in price.
This will help promote the new player base by helping them get the things they want/need in a much easier manner and allow them to get involved in the GW market, unlike before Nightfall.
I love it!
Definately a step in the right direction for the future longevity of the game. It will help bring and keep new players I agree.

Well it's cool if you want to just use the mods and upgrades. If you want to try to sell them,not so much for runes but definately for upgrades, you're hosed. Because there is no failure chance now for that 20% skill wrap or other item of interest the market value plummets. While there will always be a rare skins market and a green items market it seems like Anet is taking the fun out of playing some of the more interesting side aspects of the player driven economy, the very aspects that keep me playing long after I've grown tired of running different characters through the same missions and quests that I've mastered the first time through. I understand the rationale behind it, I really do, I'm just not overly thrilled about it. I'm sure it will come in handy for me on down the road when I'm wanting to build a nice weapon for myself but once I get characters equipped I'm gonna want to start playing the market again and I'm basically gonna be hosed.
I really like it. I've found a Kanieng Axe a while ago, whit a perfect Sundering mod, and a perfect defense mod. I really wanted the sundering mod, but I wasn't trying, I was scared I was getting defense mod, or materials. I'm not very rich, so I need that money. Now I've salvaged the sundering mod, and I still have the weapon now (I use it on my war)
, and the sundering mod
When I'm selling it, I'm rich for the first time in my life
(in guildwars)

When I'm selling it, I'm rich for the first time in my life
Grats but don't get used to it. Like I said those mods are worth something because of the mod itself and because of the rarity and the chance that you won't get said mod from salvage. Now that that is gone mod prices will drop.