I noticed today the addition of diamonds in the material storage window ,and was wondering if anyone has found a use for them or the rubies and sapphires?
Former Ruling
Armor deep in Elona.
Rubies and Sapps are for vabbian armor, so I assume diamonds might be for the 15k version of said armor
Rubies and Sapps are for vabbian armor, so I assume diamonds might be for the 15k version of said armor
Well, it seems like a lot of people have found all the places with armor crafters in Elona. But so far I have yet to see any of those crafters use Diamond?
Am I missing something?
Am I missing something?
there is 5k armor which uses rubies + sapphires, 10k armor uses normal materials, and two 15k armors, (end-game and sunspear) which also both use normal materials. I have been to every outpost i believe and have found no other armor crafters. Exploration (90%).
Diamonds are for wives and girlfriends, silly! Er, ah, just don't mix the two!
Warrior Of The Toon
Maybe they will be used for the missing 15k armour for Sins and Rits.
Chilly Ress
Can I somehow transfer these diamonds into real diamonds...please?
Diamonds have no use found yet, some new keys that dont have chests (Styxian or somesuch) at the Elona portal to UW/FOW with a new statue that doesnt work yet... hmmm coincidence? I think not.
What "new statue?" There is the as-yet inaccessible island in the realm of torment!