Holloween Event
Is this year event just like last year? Same items, same pumpkin head?
By the way it looks yes it will be the same, pretty much. If you want more stuff from events then I think you should go to WoW because they seem to focus more on one game than trying to rush out another chapter every 6 months.
Originally Posted by toon-a-loon
By the way it looks yes it will be the same, pretty much. If you want more stuff from events then I think you should go to WoW because they seem to focus more on one game than trying to rush out another chapter every 6 months.
This evwnt though confuses me..what am i supposed to do exactly?
I heard rumor's that there are going to be witches hats instead of pumpkin heads and how is Arenanet doing bad?
Just responding to toon's message,it sounded rather disapproving,but what am i supposed to do to get a witchkin hat?
That's what i want to know.
It would make Necro's, Ele's and Mezmers look great.
It would make Necro's, Ele's and Mezmers look great.

Yay! That is good for me since I am an Elementalist.
if it is a witches hat i'm going to have to spend gold on 15k kurzick mesmer female armour and a lot of black dye
wonder how many will buy white dye and pretend to be gandalf
would still be nice for an npc to exchange pumpkin hats though even though i have them for my chars doesnt mean others should miss out

would still be nice for an npc to exchange pumpkin hats though even though i have them for my chars doesnt mean others should miss out
Originally Posted by eloc_jcg
I heard rumor's that there are going to be witches hats instead of pumpkin heads and how is Arenanet doing bad?
Originally Posted by Celios
Where are people getting this from? I saw this posted on GuildWiki as well. Has anet actually said it's not pumpkin heads again?
Oh a GW forum
Does anyone want to explain how this is an actual event instead of just decorations? However much ass they kick they don't count as an event.
Ok I didn't play GW last year so I am just wondering...... you just show up in LA on the 31st when the King is there to get the hat? Are the hats character or account based?
Polgara Darshiva
The event culminates on the 31st when the mad king comes. These are merely preperations.
what item mad king collects?
In the last Halloween event he collected no items.You simply had to be in one of the major cities at a specific time for him to arrive(Then you participate in Mad King says and a One on One Rock,paper,scissors game with him,in which he will choose a random player to go agaisnt.)As long as you are in the city he is in,at the end of his visit you are giving your item in your inventory.
Will this be the same as last year?Perhaps.
Will this be the same as last year?Perhaps.
But there is collector items this time, don't remember what they was named. There are 4 different, a collector in Ascalon who will give you one item for 3 charr carvings. A collector in LA who will give you an item for 3 deyayed orr emblems. And the last one is in Denravi i think, trading for 2 maguuma manes.
MvH. Martin
MvH. Martin
All you need to know about THE MAD KING:
1. He begins making appearances in LA & Kamadan at 12:01 AM PST the 31st of Oct, and will appear every 3 hours for the entire 24 hour period of that day. (Tuesday)
2. Last year, he played games with everyone like "MAD KING says" Each person who won a round got a present in their inventory (none of this chasing presents like Wintersday and dragon festival). Those who fail to do what THE MAD KING says, are temporarily killed.To play, just do the emotes that THE MAD KING tells you to. HE would also chose people to play rock-paper-scissors with him, with the same outcomes.
3. When HE left, everyone in LA got a present of a Pumpkin crown. Each crown is customized for the player recieving it. They have 0 armor, and can be infused. Their color can't be altered by using dye on them.
4. What the MAD KING gives out this year is a matter of speculation. Witch's hats are the leading objects of this speculation. It has been hinted at that he may actually give out different things on each continent.
1. He begins making appearances in LA & Kamadan at 12:01 AM PST the 31st of Oct, and will appear every 3 hours for the entire 24 hour period of that day. (Tuesday)
2. Last year, he played games with everyone like "MAD KING says" Each person who won a round got a present in their inventory (none of this chasing presents like Wintersday and dragon festival). Those who fail to do what THE MAD KING says, are temporarily killed.To play, just do the emotes that THE MAD KING tells you to. HE would also chose people to play rock-paper-scissors with him, with the same outcomes.
3. When HE left, everyone in LA got a present of a Pumpkin crown. Each crown is customized for the player recieving it. They have 0 armor, and can be infused. Their color can't be altered by using dye on them.
4. What the MAD KING gives out this year is a matter of speculation. Witch's hats are the leading objects of this speculation. It has been hinted at that he may actually give out different things on each continent.
check the frog in shing jea monastery... it hints about the witches hat... 
