How do you get Inscrpitions for weapons?
Are there any places in NF where you die in blink of an eye, exept sec mission? -my ele is going for surviver title
Ty infront
2 simple questions:
You get inscriptions sort of like weapon upgrades. You have to salvage them from weapons. Go around so area, such as right outside of Kamadam, where the enemys are lvl 1-8, and kill a bunch of guys. Sometimes they will drop an item with an inscription on it.
- You get inscriptions by salvaging them from dropped items (so no collectors, crafters or quest items). Try opening chests during questing, you migt get the one you need
Buying them from others is possible I guess, but I haven't seen anyone sell any so far.
- Yes, bosses. Bosses are still pretty strong, and if you don't look out you get hit by the wrong boss, some can probably one-hit kill a low level character. Get 1.5K armor as soon as you can, and try to get high level in the lower level areas.

- Yes, bosses. Bosses are still pretty strong, and if you don't look out you get hit by the wrong boss, some can probably one-hit kill a low level character. Get 1.5K armor as soon as you can, and try to get high level in the lower level areas.
They made some parts of that island way to hard to start out. It would be the type of island that makes people who just started playing Guild Wars and bought Nightfall first say 'F*ck this!'
I'm actually glad they didn't make it too easy. I want a bit of a challenge, and if every chapter would be just as easy as the last one, it wouldn't be alot of fun for the old players, and I've got the feeling the end of Nightfall is going to be quite hard.
If you are working on a survivor title, then Protective Spirit is your friend. Keep it in your skill bar as often as possible if you can and use it on yourself when you approach an unknown, but dangerous situation.
Another question:
PST time compered to GMT time, for how many hours is GMT time infront of the PST time,
PST time compered to GMT time, for how many hours is GMT time infront of the PST time,
um the nightfall startout isnt really that hard
untill the sec mish
ive only died 15 times 10 being in the jokanurr diggings mission
untill the sec mish
ive only died 15 times 10 being in the jokanurr diggings mission