55monk farm and new update


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Haste The Day


this is a BIT of a rant but i just cant 55farm anymore after the update~!!

has anyone figure out another way to 55 as before? (you know trollz and stuff)

ddraeg cymru

ddraeg cymru

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Guardians Of Wales [GoW]


nope im pissed even more cause no more dual UW or solo UW wit stance warr...... also the new update is causing majour problems in just normal PvE as whenever you attack a 60 armour enemy (eles monk ect...) they flee after 4 or 5 hits causing hechies to aggro the rest of the whole bloody map onto you..... this needs to be sorted NOW! ive allready lost a friend to WoW because of this update... and wtf am i guna do with my 55 armour......ill have to find a new move instead of SS SoJ stance and AoE looks like its the old take forever builds..
i surrgest FoW beach farming now W/Me styleeeeeeeeee farmed it today got a black dye but had to go once i started cave. if anybody does find a new way please post it in VERY BIG WRITING so all can benifit!




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


55ing Hydras still works far as i know...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

Lol, someone call the waaaaaambulance. Same as last time skills were changed and the time before that. People whined and complained "Waaa, I can't use my 55 monk anymore" and then someone came up with a new way to do it and people were happy. Here's a good hint: If one skill doesn't work, try using another. Be creative and find something else to use besides SoJ. I know I can still 55 farm, but then again I never used SoJ....

Googleboy Necro

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Yes i am very upset with new update as i well, i just created a necro/me for farming other such monsters (dual farming) because i got tired of my 55 monk, and then what do i find out? I can no longer pVe anymore. Id like to though know the spell jade you are talkinga bout, dont the monsters still run away from you? -.-