me, along with many other people who have the CE of Nightfall want to know how to get that bonus from the game
i've already tried /bonusitems and all that got me were the 2 weapons
it'd be great if anyone knew how to get it, thanks
mini varesh
mine showed up th efirst time I logged on after the key was applied. Looks like a present box, had a little note in green that told me I had a present
I typed /bonusitems and I got my present box with Varesh in it...are you sure you didn't type like /preorder or something?
well u have ot have the collectors edition of nightfall to get it
srry if u already doo just guess n check here
srry if u already doo just guess n check here
I had to relog before i got the notice saying you have /bonusitems
To get my pet I had to..
leave city to an explorable area
re-enter city (and then get notice about bonus items)
Course this is with a character I'd created and just gotten to the 1st capital city on newbie island.. so I guess it just takes a bit of time for it to register that you have a CE bonus item...
leave city to an explorable area
re-enter city (and then get notice about bonus items)
Course this is with a character I'd created and just gotten to the 1st capital city on newbie island.. so I guess it just takes a bit of time for it to register that you have a CE bonus item...
The Pointless
All I had to do was get to the Chahbek mission hub and bang in /bonusitems
I was wondering what was going on......made an Elonian char, did that little walkthrough portion....banged /bonusitems and nothing.....then did the first mission....banged it again....nothing.....then got to the first outpost, and a message appeared in my chatlog that there were items waiting for me. Banged it again, and boom.....Varesh, broken toy, and bonus weapons. Yay!
Actually it was a Canthan Targe, Factions pre-order daggers and rit staff, NF spear and sythe, Varesh, and broken toy.....quite a haul!
Actually it was a Canthan Targe, Factions pre-order daggers and rit staff, NF spear and sythe, Varesh, and broken toy.....quite a haul!