If I own Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall...and I want to start a new core profession character, what is the recommended chapter to start the character?
I'd like to level as quickly as possible, and have as many skills available to me as possible. I am willing to take my characters from continent to continent.
I would think Factions would be the best, since I would level the fastest, but I want to make sure I'm not missing out on any Prophecies skills since it will take a while until I can get to the Prophecies continent.
I am already playing through Nightfall, so no need to do that with a core profession to see the story, but I'm wondering if it's a good idea so I can get some heroes earlier.
Thanks in advance.
Starting a new core profession...
for jst straight char creation to max level the quickest and get skills the quickest it would prob be factons. Assuming your not looking for story line. If youwant the story line and a good solid build i would say prophecies, though Nightfall looks like a good start too second to proph. Or just try a PVP instant level 20 with everyhting unlocked that you prev chars have done.
Depends on what your looking for ...
Depends on what your looking for ...
I'm looking for PVE. I like unlocking the skills and seeing new quests.
I'm thinking that Prophecies will just take too long, but I want to make sure that I'm not missing any skills.
For instance, if I start a Monk in Factions and you start a Monk in Prophecies, will your character (or mine) be more powerful in the end, or will they be the same because we'll both have the same skills?
Thanks in advance.
I'm thinking that Prophecies will just take too long, but I want to make sure that I'm not missing any skills.
For instance, if I start a Monk in Factions and you start a Monk in Prophecies, will your character (or mine) be more powerful in the end, or will they be the same because we'll both have the same skills?
Thanks in advance.
Just straight game, they theoretically would be the same the Core skills are all the same. there are differant elite and some other skills particular just to the contenent. It you want a good storyline and quests with skills earned. It will be prophacies. Factions is pretty much buy your skills. Prophcies its quest and earn for the majority of the skills
link that list the skills available by prof and campaign. AS well as whether its a core skill or not very usefull
link that list the skills available by prof and campaign. AS well as whether its a core skill or not very usefull
Ok, but can I take my Factions character back to the Prophecies continent and get the skills rather than buy them?
In Prophecies you can do quests to earn extra skills... afaik for characters born outside of Tyria you still can do this, but only from Lion's Arch and further.
ddraeg cymru
i surrgest factions for fastest leveling friend did it in 8 hours
tht means if you try hard enough you could have 2 level 20s in a day leaving 8 hours for food drink and sleep
gl lol